I have openSUSE 11.2 (64 Bit) with standard KDE (don’t know the version might be 3? Where can I find this?)
After many tries and errors I succeeded - very likely via KDE remote desktop? - to get access from a remote Windows machine (Windows 7) per tightVNC to my linux box while “java in browser” only shows a blank screen with a white “X” - but I don’t mind as long as one solution works.
Everything is fine, but: some keys are not sent correctly. It looks like the shift-key would not work correctly? I cannot send any uppercase letter or special character from the uppermost keyboard line where the numbers 1…0 are.
Weird is the following:
- With Caps-Lock uppercase letters are sent but no special charachters.
- If I first press and hold the corresponding key and THEN press the shift key the correct characters are sent (but many as these are repeated now). the other way round (first shift) this does not work.
- The paranthesis ( and ) work “fine” even if they need the shift key as well
- The ALT-GR key seems to be totally dead - I cannot send a @ character (which needs the ALT-GR on a German keyboard)
I have a keyboard with German layout and I have chosen “German” with “nodeadkeys” at installation time. I do not even know how to change this now.
BTW: with the keyboard which is directly connected to the Linux box everything works totally fine …
Please give your answer for a Newbie since I am totally new with Linux.
Thanks a lot and regards