Thumbleweed Kde plasma 6.1.5 cannot browse DFS namespace subfolder

Hi ,
i’m trying to browse the dfs folders at my workplace
I have the following folder structure : //contoso.local/tst/public . public is a folder within the dfs namespace called tst

When i connect to the dfs root from dolphin i can see the dfs namespaces but when i try to enter the subfolder “public” i get the message :
The file or folder smb://username@contoso.local/tst/public does not exist.

I can browse the folder content with smbclient :

smbclient //contoso.local/tst/public -U username

kdeplasma 6.1.5 ; framework 6.5.0 ; QT : 6.7.2 ;

Anyone else with the same issue ?