This file or folder ... does not exsist

The command got through so the disk must have been mounted with r(elaxed) pickyness. Unfortunatly the å, ä and ö:s still don’t work and therefore I still can’t open the folders/files with å, ä and/or ö:s. It was a realy good thought though. Do you have any more sugestions? You have been more than helpfull.

Best regards!

Now it works! I can see the å, ä and ö:s and open the folders/files! I don’t now how it happend but I intend to find out! It must have something with your beutifull command in combination with a write command for my drive to do! Thank you a thousand times and more.

Thank you, thank you and thank you!

I must say I am surprised. Please let me know what the correct combo is. You could do an experiment trying these two and confirm whether “check=r” is really a factor:
mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/external
mount -t vfat -o check=r /dev/sdb1 /media/external

We did it!

I combined your comand with a comand for getting write permission on the drive and it looked like this:

“mount -t vfat -o check=r /dev/sdc1 /media/elements -o user,umask=000,iocharset=utf8”

And now it works!

The next quest is to get that to automount at bootup.

Thank you so, so much for all your kind, kind help. That has meant alot to me! Thankyou!

To mount at boot time you can try this line into fstab:
/dev/sdc1 /media/elements vfat user,check=r,umask=0000,utf8=true 0 0

tip: the last line in fstab must be a blank line
tip: don’t boot with this line in fstab unless the drive is connected & live

WOHO! You’ve made it again Swerdna! Your command worked perfectly. I can’t belive this; thank you so much! The only problem is that sometimes my drives name “/dev/sdb1” changes to “/dev/sdc1” or “/dev/sdd1” so i tried to change “/dev/sdb1” to “/dev/disk/by-uuid/09EB-9EDD” wich is the uuid of my drive like this “/dev/disk/by-uuid/09EB-9EDD /media/elements vfat user,check=r,umask=0000,utf8=true 0 0” but it didn’t work. Can you have a look at the command and maybe see whats wrong?

Peace of the lotus and a big, big thank you!

Try the Device ID rather than UUID. You can try this:
Go into Yast –> System –> Partitioner. Locate the entry for the vfat partition in the list and highlight it. Click Edit –> fstab options. There will be a series of options for “mount in /etc/fstab”. Probably the current choice will be “device name”. Move that across and select to mount by “device ID”. Make that happen by clicking OK OK OK Apply

Check that the entry in fstab for the partition is now good and that you cab still read/manipulate the files in directory /media/elements.

Good to go.

The divice ID sadly didn’t work. But fortunatly “Device path” worked! So now the line looks like this “/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1d.7-usb-0:1:1.0-scsi-0:0:0:0-part1 /media/elements vfat user,check=r,umask=0000,utf8=true 0 0”

I realy hope this will hold up! Thank you for all your help. You’ve been so helpfull!

Best of the best regards!