I kept one of these for my cpu and one for my gpu on my desktop for sometime when suddenly one day a while back they were gone. It is still in the list of available plasmoids but there is no icon for it displayed there. If I try to replace it on the desktop it just drags an empty silouhette which disappears when I release the mouse and no plasmoid appears.
It would be nice to be able to get it working again.
Thermal Monitor Plasmoid is the name of it and I don’t see any others that do the same thing in the list, under get more plasmoids, or in the package manager.
Sorry, I’ve just reread your first post and see you’re adding it to the desktop, not the panel, and…
Indeed, when I try that, I’m seeing the same as you report.
I guess you could try adding a bug report over at the KDE Store, but as I wrote earler, it doesn’t look as if that plasmoid has received any attention for quite a while.
Strange… Works here OK, as can be seen from the screenshot in post #9
Have you tried it with a new user to eliminate any problem with (possibly) “~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc”, or the user profile in general.
Interesting. It wasn’t in the widget list as a different user so I tried to add it with the download new widget function. It was in that list but when I tried to install it said it couldn’t download. File not found.
Transient problem maybe? That (Add Widgets… -> Get new widgets -> Download new plasma widgets) was the way I added it back on 2020/01/10 when I tested it. I’ve just looked on the KDE Store and it’s still there. Don’t know I’m afraid …