There's no feedback - my adventure, my mistake.

Embedded development - liked the idea of linux tools & server supporting IOT experiments.
Bought Acer Aspire desktop - cheap, common, encouraging start.
Got 13.? 32-bit - DVD
Download - X times, eventually checksums matched.
Burned it -
Install - ok (a couple of hours, I guess)
Graphics funny - crashes after a time
Hours googling suggests nvidia graphics drivers are not included. Can crash.
er - nvidia is sort of common - surely it could tell me of the problem or load a workable driver?
In the process - work out that the X1800 is 64-bit : )
Try 42.1
Loads - crashes before boot completes (in graphics) (a couple of hours, I guess)
Google - yes same issue.
Simple solution YAST

  • er crashes during boot - solution impossible.
    Google (a couple of hours, I guess) - change run level
    “a” during grub & add “3”
    not having it.
  • well Yes, I don’t claim to be an expert -0 but I sort of expect SOMETHING to actually work.
    Google - Alt F2 - get text console
    Yes - mostly works
    Google (a couple of hours, I guess) - zypper add nvidia repository & inr
    Won’t ftp reliably ?
    Download drivers (Google: a couple of hours, I guess)
    burn to DVD
    mount - Google - a while I guess - just read the DVD for goodness sake
    So inr loads all sort of rubbish that I’d skipped on install.
    More google explains recommended. :frowning:
    Crashes on boot. :frowning:
    Google: (a couple of hours, I guess)
    Yast will run in text
    add community repositories nvidia
    yast - runs
    No community repositories :frowning: ?
    ping router - fine
    router is providing internet for my win7 machine on the same desk.
    Just doesn’t work.
    Simple way just does not work
    google: (a couple of hours, I guess)

Hard way
google: (a while - find out what video you have)
download xxxxxx?
cp to local disk
xmod …
can’t do this with nouveau :frowning:
Try automatic fix?
nope, sorry
google: (a while - many answers - some in agreement)
stop nouveau
echo <magic incantation - blacklist …>
crashes on boot
reboot - alt f2
text console
run NV… .run
can’t find the kernel source tree…

WHAT - could have disclosed this? Could have said, BTW …
I used to joke that every linux how-to, no matter how simple started with “To recompile the kernel …”
Estimated chances of success of this install - 0
It’s a common machine.
I though it might just go.
I have/saw a saying: Linux is like zen: It’s a better way (as long as you devote your life to it).
I’ve invested hours, many hours: I know a little about zypper & yast command line, & repositories & nvidia driver licenses & nvidia drivers & nvidia install scripts & mounting a DVD & a windows share & nouveau & a blacklist & I’ve seen & waited on many installs & reboots.
And, I have nothing but a brick.
I just though it would, work?
Some time in the future, I’d be very pleased to hear when SUSE is a viable system, but for now, common machine, common hardware, abundant fixes online, no go: nothing, no single component seems to behave as expected.
Maybe a consumer edition?

BTW this system complains that I included 5 images & I’m only allowed 4. so I guess : followed by ) is no longer allowed.

3rd try at the image verification string

Hi nanren888,

I’d recommend downloading an x86_64 LiveCD/DVD & burn that and get it running. It should fire up 1st thing.

If you have trouble with the video, try booting with:
on the kernel line: at the boot propmt, type “e”
at the end of the line with the kernel parameters – just above “Intrid=”. should work

Once you are up, use the SuperUser mode Terminal and do

lspci -v

That will tell you most everything about your system’s hardware.

Copy the lines dealing with your video card and post here and the good folks here will be glad to help get you running in great style!

Good luck!