The update that just wouldnt die! (Sounds like a B movie title by Ed Wood)

Okay I have been doing some distro hopping here and there over the last few months trying to find myself a new linux to suit my needs.
But at this current stage and time OpenSUSE seems like the best fit for me, despite some of its flaws (likes its microscopic repositories compared to Ubuntu)
But the big issue here is this, just two days ago I finally went back to openSUSE and okay I have had some hiccups here and there but overall its still good but then there is this update to groff…

It just wont DIE! Its like some sort of slasher movie villain, the OS wants to remove it but wont.
it keeps on coming up too, its getting sort of irritating.

Really, your post is very entertaining, but I’d like to suggest posting some information that could give us an idea what is happening on your system.

Try to update via zypper and post the output:

zypper -v up

okay its gone now, and i got no errors from zypper it seems…
must have been a weird fluke

No its back…

I am grabbing some updates and trying zypper again

zypper -v up
Verbosity: 1
Initializing Target
Checking whether to refresh metadata for KDE_4.6
Checking whether to refresh metadata for openSUSE BuildService - KDE:Extra
Checking whether to refresh metadata for openSUSE BuildService - KDE:UpdatedApps
Checking whether to refresh metadata for openSUSE BuildService - Wine CVS Builds
Checking whether to refresh metadata for openSUSE BuildService - Games
Checking whether to refresh metadata for Main Repository (NON-OSS)
Checking whether to refresh metadata for openSUSE-11.4-Non-Oss
Checking whether to refresh metadata for Main Repository (OSS)
Checking whether to refresh metadata for openSUSE-11.4-Oss
Checking whether to refresh metadata for Main Repository (Contrib)
Checking whether to refresh metadata for Main Update Repository
Checking whether to refresh metadata for google-chrome
Checking whether to refresh metadata for local
Checking whether to refresh metadata for libdvdcss repository
Checking whether to refresh metadata for Packman Repository
Checking whether to refresh metadata for openSUSE-11.4-Non-Oss
Checking whether to refresh metadata for openSUSE-11.4-Oss
Checking whether to refresh metadata for openSUSE-11.4-Update
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Force resolution: No

The following package updates will NOT be installed:
  DirectFB                          1.4.5-21.4                  
  DirectFB-Mesa                     1.4.5-21.4                  
  Mesa                              7.10.99.git20110618.0603-1.1
  curl                              7.21.6-58.1                 
  gpgme                             1.3.0-12.1                  
  ksmolt                            0.2.3-9.1                   
  libSDL-1_2-0                      1.2.14-40.1                 
  libarchive2                       2.8.4-8.1                   
  libassuan0                        2.0.1-4.1                                   
  libcurl4                          7.21.6-58.1                                 
  libdrm                            2.4.99.git20110604.1201-2.1                 
  libfltk1                          1.1.10-5.2                                  
  libgpgme11                        1.3.0-12.1                  
  libphonon4                        4.4.4-3.1                   
  libproxy1                         0.4.7-3.1                   
  libqjson0                         0.7.1-10.1                  
  libtheora0                        1.1.1-13.1                  
  phonon                            4.4.4-3.1                   
  phonon-backend-gstreamer-0_10     4.4.4-3.1                   
  python-numpy                      1.5.1-28.1                  
  xorg-x11-driver-video             7.6.99.git20110618.1453-2.1 
  yast2-control-center              2.20.2-1.3.1                
  yast2-control-center-qt           2.20.2-1.3.1                

Nothing to do.

That is not an unusual output. I still do not get your problem.

You should check your repositories, though, there seem to be some double entries.

Yeh thats my fault there, but I dont think this issue has anything to do with having two entries for the same repo.
Like I said this issue seems to be a fluke in the OS on my end, I will just ignore it.

Again: I still have no idea what the actual problem is. What you posted is a common output of ‘zypper up’, if you want to install the packages mentioned there, use

zypper -v dup
## -v is for "verbosity"