Here is all it manually takes some pain to get a really user ready system. And if you could automate it or ease it more, it would be perfect.
Add some of the most popular external repositories as options to add to the system with an under your own risk warning. Some of them should provide metapackages for things like full codec packs or each repository have its flagship packages/software patterns, if not available in flatpaks, to add all their main reasons to have each repo, like codecs, TeamViewer, Zoom, closed drivers by repo trademark, MegaSync, Google, etc. In the end people add repos cause some software isnt provided by the distro or flatpak hub.
Autocleaning features, applied and customizable with GUI:
Basically all of that in a single click, or separately, with some customization. I have concatenated all those commands in a single one using &&, with my own settings. I copy and paste every now and then to the terminal. Cleanup ready. Câmon, a single click GUI program or clicks for each, with options for each -frequency, numbers, etc- and shortcuts would do. Even a single desktop icon for all would do.
Refresh and update via CLI in a single click. Like a desktop shortcut to sudo zypper refresh && sudo zypper update && flatpak update. A simple gui with progress bars and details would work too, hiding the terminal workings unless you wanna see them. Because Discover gets bugs and hangs often.
SMB configuration made easy:
Just a GUI to choose your share names and folders, users admitted, guest allowed? Yes/No. Permissions. Rw, ro, etc. Browsable? Announce? Domain group? IPs allowed?
I know YasT has advanced this but it lacks stuff as basic as: add a samba user and password. (Smbpasswd -a user), or sudo systemctl start/stop/restart smb nmb services with a click. View error logs. Configure smb port permissions in firewall with a click. (Add smb related names to pertinent firewall zones/categories). With a click or some quick options like current network setting (work/public/external, etc, by default add all that is necessary for home/work LAN sharing) And lately add AppArmor permissions for smb: I had to add all smb related apparmor entries as apparmor complains. This, do it with a click. And generate an apparmor whitelist for all your shares and auto put it in the proper file /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.sbin.smbd-shares, with a click. All the rest advanced options for a samba share yast or smb.conf got them covered.
Option to automount your other partitions (even Windiws ntfs-3g) on startup, choose read only or read write. From installer. The following partitions have been detected, would you like them to be mounted on startup? Yes, read only or read write? Some configuring YasT tool for that if you wanna change stuff. With a click.
CapsLock fix. Startup script as user. Just a KDE autorun if you please, cause by default many linux distros have you type like this: HEllo. THis. LInux. SYstem. HAs a caps lock delay.
Software patterns for the best /most commonly used programs for most different uses. With screenshots. The user picks what or all. Pic, video, sound editors, image viewers, disc burners, music players, video players, third party platforms for games, streaming, social network messaging, etc, top web browsers, top emulators, virtualization, screen recording, screenshots, office suites, file browsers, image management, email, etc.
Do this and Linux will be ready for everyone, and then everyone can focus on bugs.
Meanwhile, getting a Linux system ready for everyone is a pain in the ass.