The open suse doesnt respond

I am new to linux and wanted to try opensuse so i downloaded it from torrent here and i burnt it as an iso and ran it in my system. It showed me the boot options and i happened to select OpenSuse at which the loading bar came but nothing loaded and it stayed in the same state and nothing happened. Previously i had tried ubuntu too, but it was also unsuccessful since i was directed to <initramfs> prompt window.

Please help.

Maybe you could help us helping you by telling more about your sysem. Things like memory size, etc might be interesting in this stage.

I use a 80 gb SATA harddisk in addition to which i bought a 250gb SATA recently, after its installation am i having troubles with installing linux in my system. Previously i had it booted from live cd. I have a 512MB DDR RAM. A Pentium 4 processor - 2.6Ghz.