The Kea Package is Missing for Leap 15.6

Hi guys, I would like to install Kea (DHCP Server) on Leap 15.6. But I couldn’t find it from the official repository. Here is what I get:
The zypper search or yast2 didn’t return the package either (using seeded repositories). I am fairly new to opensuse and my questions are:

  1. There are some community packages for Leap 15.6, are they trustworthy?
  2. If I install the community package, in general, how do I manage the update of this particular package, from a security perspective?
  3. Besides the community package, is there any better way to get the Kea package?

Thank you.

It should be fairly obvious that you depend on the maintainer of this particular package to release updates.

Use container? There are kia containers from openSUSE as example.

Or you can always build the software yourself, it is open source.

Thanks for the advice.

I get used to sourcing pre-built packages from official repositories, which gives me some level of assurance that those packages are vetted and supported.

Using a docker, building from source, as you mentioned, could be a good learning journal for me, but I am currently not brave enough to try those ways.

For now, I am going to go back to the built-in dhcpd package. Will setup another Slowroll env to play Kea.