The KDE Splash Screen Theme

My Tumbleweed laptop now (since installing a boat load of updates this morning) has three options for the KDE splash screen (none, Breeze or
“openSUSE” (which is the green lightbulb on black background theme which originally appeared in either 13.2 or 42.1 (I don’t remember exactly which it was)). Its using the openSUSE theme by default.

Interestingly, my similarly updated Tumbleweed desktop only has the first two options (none or Breeze). Why the difference? Missing package on the desktop? I don’t think I’ve ever made a user intervention that would have accounted for the difference… I just found it odd that there wasn’t consistency brought about with the update

(PS – you can find what I’m talking about in System Settings > Appearance > Workspace Theme > Splash Screen )

Is plasma5-theme-openSUSE installed?
That’s new in the Plasma 5.8 branding, I’m not sure currently what should pull it in.

Maybe you just encountered a “bug” in our package dependencies… :wink:

Looks like a missing openSUSE-*-branding package. Are the installs identical re. applications?

not on the desktop (imaging it is on the laptop lol!)

That’s new in the Plasma 5.8 branding, I’m not sure currently what should pull it in.
okay, thanks

Maybe you just encountered a “bug” in our package dependencies… :wink:
trying to install it hits the likely reason that it didn’t get pulled in: kdebase4-openSUSE-lang-13.3-1.11.noarch requires kdebase4-openSUSE

After (removal of the old and) a reboot, I’m happy to say that the desktop is now with the green light bulb too

Nah. The desktop has a lot more stuff installed on it. The laptop is pretty barebones … though, to the best of my knowledge, it doesn’t have anything installed that the desktop doesn’t also have on it.

Thanks for finding that out.

So apparently an Obsoletes has been forgotten (for the kdebase4-openSUSE-lang package it seems), no idea why the openQA tests haven’t found this yet… :confused: (they do test upgrades from 13.2 with KDE4)
Maybe because the tests only do an english installation…

I will look at this tomorrow and try to submit a fix.

I have an idea, but sadly, when I went to go check upon this in yast software mgmt, I now discover that it will not open. Yikes. I’m going to reboot again, but if it (yast-sw mgmt) is still not working, then I know that the only changes that have been made since the last time it worked are listed above (addition of the the plasma5 pkg(s) and removal of the older kdebase4-openSUSE package)

Don’t worry.
I created already. :wink:

Okie dokie :wink:

Sadly, my new yast problem persists … will take up this new problem in another thread (perhaps tomorrow, as time permits) as it would appear to be quite unrelated to KDE splash screens :stuck_out_tongue:

Just for posterity’s sake, the yast problem disappeared after today’s updates (which did indeed inlcude some yast packages)