The Great Font Rendering debate Lin v Win

Personally, I find Linux clearer at font rendering than Windows. Yet my experience seems to go contrary to the majority. Possibly many of you can’t compare. One thing is for sure though. With Linux you have much more possibility in changing configuration.

I’m posting a couple of identical shots. I have to zoom in on them to see clearly. And I would say they are fairly alike in this instance:

Shot 1 = openSUSE](

Shot 2 = Win XP (in Virtual Box)](

Tell us your experiences. Even post screens if you like.

Moved to chit chat as screeshots is just for pics and not debates


I had a debate with myself about that too - Thanks
(It was this that made me decide the way I did “Post and discuss screenshots and computer images”)

With opensuse 11.1 xp and vista as I look at it is beaten. Opensuse 11.1 has a very nice font rendering. Sadly I am using windows fonts;)


Sadly I am using windows fonts


I know I had some win font’s dragged in via Yast. But I’m not using them. Liberation- pretty much system wide. (If I’m not mistaken, I think they are from Red Hat originally are they not)?

Hello caf4926!

Unfortunately the moving of the Thread has resulted in links to thumbnails images that do not show much of anything. You might wish to repost a link to the full image.

In regards to font rendering: I feel that SUSE has issues with system wide font sizing and display. I can work around those but it is a area that still needs correction. Impossible small fonts tend to come up for the logon screen when sticking to the original settings. DE default fonts tend to be thin and hard for my older eyes to read. Now using tweeks, that folks have put onto the Forums, this can be ameliorated but it should not have to be.

So I can not agree fonts are a stand out area for SUSE.

I don’t know what all the fuss is about, it all looks the same to me!

If it’s big enough, I can read it :sarcastic:.

**Re- posted for clarity
Thanks MattBClassic


Sadly I find the XP fonts (from those screenshots) to be better on my eyes.

They are fatter, bolder, and closer together than the suse ones.

The suse ones seem a little duller and thinner.

I guess everyone has different eyes :sarcastic:.

I noticed several versions back that the rendering of fonts on the library sites that I use was better in Linux than in XP on the same machine. I haven’t compared it with Vista.

Hi growbag,

Thinner that’s the one I am looking for fonts. Even With plans/layout I like to have the lines display in thin lines on my desktop. With dull as you said I don’t feel it here on my side. Maybe the graphic card I am using likes opensuse 11.1.

I must confess: I find myself sometimes yearning for the xp/vista desktop in terms of fonts. In my oppinion it’s the only thing missing for an almost perfect openSUSE desktop. I tried using their fonts (including SegoeUI) on my KDE but it’s so far away form what it should be. I’m not implying that the default fonts are ugly - on the contrary. Improvement is always welcome.