The following product update will NOT be installed: "openSUSE Leap 15.3"

Zypper update is complaining about non-updatable product. What does it mean? Tried different things with no luck: the message is completely stuck:

The following product update will NOT be installed:
“openSUSE Leap 15.3”

**white-angel:~ #** cat /etc/os-release  
NAME="openSUSE Leap" 
ID_LIKE="suse opensuse" 
PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE Leap 15.3" 
**white-angel:~ #** zypper up 
Loading repository data... 
Reading installed packages... 

The following item is locked and will not be changed by any action: 

The following package update will NOT be installed: 

The following product update will NOT be installed: 
  "openSUSE Leap 15.3" 
Nothing to do.
[FONT=monospace]**white-angel:~ #** zypper lr 
Repository priorities in effect:                                                                                                                      (See 'zypper lr -P' for details) 
      90 (raised priority)  :  1 repository 
      99 (default priority) : 17 repositories 

#  | Alias                       | Name                                                                                        | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh 
 1 | NVIDIA                      | NVIDIA                                                                                      | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes 
 2 | devel_tools_scm             | Software configuration management (openSUSE_Leap_15.3)                                      | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes 
 3 | google-chrome               | google-chrome                                                                               | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes 
 4 | pacman                      | pacman                                                                                      | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes 
 5 | repo-backports-debug-update | Update repository with updates for openSUSE Leap debuginfo packages from openSUSE Backports | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes 
 6 | repo-backports-update       | Update repository of openSUSE Backports                                                     | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes 
 7 | repo-debug                  | Debug Repository                                                                            | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes 
 8 | repo-debug-non-oss          | Debug Repository (Non-OSS)                                                                  | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes 
 9 | repo-debug-update           | Update Repository (Debug)                                                                   | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes 
10 | repo-debug-update-non-oss   | Update Repository (Debug, Non-OSS)                                                          | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes 
11 | repo-non-oss                | Репозиторий Non-OSS                                                                         | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes 
12 | repo-oss                    | Основной репозиторий                                                                        | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes 
13 | repo-sle-debug-update       | Update repository with debuginfo for updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15                  | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes 
14 | repo-sle-update             | Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15                                | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes 
15 | repo-source                 | Source Repository                                                                           | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes 
16 | repo-update                 | Основной репозиторий обновлений                                                             | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes 
17 | repo-update-non-oss         | Репозиторий обновлений (Non-Oss)                                                            | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes 
18 | shells                      | Shell Implementations (openSUSE_Leap_15.3)                                                  | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes

Unlocking ibus makes no difference so it’s not the cause. Also zypper dup does nothing

**white-angel:~ #** zypper dup 
Loading repository data... 
Reading installed packages... 
Warning: You are about to do a distribution upgrade with all enabled repositories. Make sure these repositories are compatible before you continue. See 'man zypper' for more informat
ion about this command. 
Computing distribution upgrade... 

The following item is locked and will not be changed by any action:
Nothing to do.

When you want to tell us what your repos are, we need the URLs, not only names and aliases, because these are local to your system (and can be anything).

zypper lr -d

And please do not do such a zypper dup without knowing what it should do. It could make things worse.

zypper lr -u     
Действующие приоритеты репозиториев:                                                                                                                    (Подробнее см. "zypper lr -P") 
      90 (повышенный приоритет)   :  1 репозиторий 
      99 (приоритет по умолчанию) : 17 репозиториев 

#  | Alias                       | Name                                                                                        | Enabled | GPG Check    | Refresh    | URI 
 1 | NVIDIA                      | NVIDIA                                                                                      | Да      | (r ) Да      | Да         |
 2 | devel_tools_scm             | Software configuration management (openSUSE_Leap_15.3)                                      | Да      | (r ) Да      | Да         |
 3 | google-chrome               | google-chrome                                                                               | Да      | (r ) Да      | Да         |
 4 | pacman                      | pacman                                                                                      | Да      | (r ) Да      | Да         |
 5 | repo-backports-debug-update | Update repository with updates for openSUSE Leap debuginfo packages from openSUSE Backports | Да      | (r ) Да      | Да         |
 6 | repo-backports-update       | Update repository of openSUSE Backports                                                     | Да      | (r ) Да      | Да         |
 7 | repo-debug                  | Debug Repository                                                                            | Да      | (r ) Да      | Да         |
 8 | repo-debug-non-oss          | Debug Repository (Non-OSS)                                                                  | Да      | (r ) Да      | Да         |
 9 | repo-debug-update           | Update Repository (Debug)                                                                   | Да      | (r ) Да      | Да         |
10 | repo-debug-update-non-oss   | Update Repository (Debug, Non-OSS)                                                          | Да      | (r ) Да      | Да         |
11 | repo-non-oss                | Репозиторий Non-OSS                                                                         | Да      | (r ) Да      | Да         |
12 | repo-oss                    | Основной репозиторий                                                                        | Да      | (r ) Да      | Да         |
13 | repo-sle-debug-update       | Update repository with debuginfo for updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15                  | Да      | (r ) Да      | Да         |
14 | repo-sle-update             | Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15                                | Да      | (r ) Да      | Да         |
15 | repo-source                 | Source Repository                                                                           | Да      | (r ) Да      | Да         |
16 | repo-update                 | Основной репозиторий обновлений                                                             | Да      | (r ) Да      | Да         |
17 | repo-update-non-oss         | Репозиторий обновлений (Non-Oss)                                                            | Да      | (r ) Да      | Да         |
18 | shells                      | Shell Implementations (openSUSE_Leap_15.3)                                                  | Да      | (r ) Да      | Да         |

Hm, does not look bad to me. The only thing that wonders me is that the Packman URL has no mentioning of 15.3.

BTW, next time you show command and output here, precede the command with LANG=C. That will make it better understandable in the English section here. Example:

LANG=C zypper lr -d

But that works for every command.

I’m pretty sure that’s a mistake (but not your mistake). Perhaps a bug report is warranted. Apart from that, I would not worry about it.

Running “zypper -v up” (for verbose output), I get (among other things):

The following product update will NOT be installed:
  openSUSE Leap 15.3  15.3-2

Yesterday, they released an updated install iso for Leap 15.3. As a test, I downloaded that iso, and did a test install (to a virtual machine).

The newly installed system describes itself as 15.3-2. I think that’s what your message is coming from.

On the newly installed system, I tried running “Yast online update”. And that gave me some conflicts.

Problem: the installed product:Leap-15.3-2.x86_64 requires 'product(Leap) = 15.3-2', but this requirement cannot be provided
 Solution 1: Following actions will be done:
  do not install patch:openSUSE-2021-820-1.noarch
  do not install patch:openSUSE-2021-863-1.noarch
 Solution 2: downgrade of product:Leap-15.3-2.x86_64 to product:Leap-15.3-1.x86_64
 Solution 3: break product:Leap-15.3-2.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies

I’m pretty sure that is complaining about the same problem, but from the other direction.

Somebody goofed, but it doesn’t seem very important.

Good explanation. But as that remastering of Leap will take place on a regular base in the future, I think it is better to make a bug report. Else it will stay as it is and we will have questions abut in the forums in the future.

So please somebody that experiences it :slight_smile:

I will file a bug report shortly.

zypper -v doesn’t show anything interesting… however, running install for the product shows the following:

# zypper in product:Leap-15.3-2.x86_64 
Loading repository data... 
Reading installed packages... 
Resolving package dependencies... 

The following product is going to be upgraded:
  openSUSE Leap 15.3  15.3-1 -> 15.3-2 

The following package is going to be downgraded:

1 package to downgrade. 
Overall download size: 598.2 KiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 626.0 B will be used. 
**Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): **

What’s wrong with openSUSE-release?

[FONT=monospace]# zypper search -iv openSUSE-release  
Loading repository data... 
Reading installed packages... 

S  | Name                              | Type    | Version          | Arch   | ...
i+ | openSUSE-release                  | package | 15.3-lp153.149.1 | x86_64 | ...
i  | openSUSE-release-appliance-custom | package | 15.3-lp153.149.1 | x86_64 | ...

The system is pretty new so I wonder how I got the distribution broken so fast


It’s not your fault. For now, try to ignore the “problem”.

Check this existing bug report first, may be relevant, I only had a cursory glance though.

Too late. I already reported as Bug 1192312. However, I can flag that as a duplicate.

Product update actually updates openSUSE-release package. The openSUSE-release in main repository defines product version 15.3-2, while openSUSE-release packages in update repositories define product version 15.3-1. So zypper sees “newer” product version, but because openSUSE-release package version in main repository is lower, it will not install it.

bor@leap15:~> zypper se -sx openSUSE-release
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name             | Type       | Version          | Arch   | Repository
i+ | openSUSE-release | package    | 15.3-lp153.149.1 | x86_64 | Main Update Repository
v  | openSUSE-release | package    | 15.3-lp153.146.1 | x86_64 | Main Update Repository
v  | openSUSE-release | package    | 15.3-lp153.143.2 | x86_64 | Main Update Repository
v  | openSUSE-release | package    | 15.3-lp153.143.1 | x86_64 | Main Update Repository
v  | openSUSE-release | package    | 15.3-lp153.16.2  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)
bor@leap15:~> rpm -q --provides openSUSE-release | grep 'product(Leap)'
product(Leap) = **15.3-1**

And if you look at package in Main Repository (OSS), it provides product(Leap) = 15.3-2

bor@leap15:~> sudo zypper --no-refresh -vvv up

The following product update will NOT be installed:
  openSUSE Leap 15.3  **15.3-2 ** x86_64  **Main Repository (OSS) ** openSUSE
Nothing to do.

If you care enough, open bug report.

It looks like this bug has already been fixed.