the file .bashrc

Hello everyone;
I have a problem with a path I want to compile a ** *.cpp *file that will have one path, here:
################################################## #################################
// std::cout << “HEPFITPATH = " << getenv(“HEPFITPATH”) << std::endl;
std::stringstream path;
path << getenv(“HEPFITPATH”) << “/THDM/tabs/”;
std::string tablepath=path.str();
################################################## ################################”
the folder I want patching ç’est::
my question is: can i put in .bashrc, the path eg in my .bashrc fihier ----> I put:
[FONT=comic sans ms][FONT=comic sans ms]$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

#export PILOTPORT=/dev/pilot
#export PILOTRATE=115200
#export HEPFITPATH=/usr/local/hepfit
export HEPFITPATH=’[FONT=comic sans ms] /usr/local/hepfit/Packaging/HEPfit-core-1.0[/FONT][/FONT]’
[FONT=comic sans ms]test -s ~/.alias && . ~/.alias || true
[/FONT]thank you in advance


I think it will work better if you use this syntax with the " marks instead:

export HEPFITPATH="/usr/local/hepfit/Packaging/HEPfit-core-1.0"

Good luck,

Or, like the other statements in ~/.bashrc, do not use quotes at all.