The database frontend "Rekall"

The database front-end “Rekall” is a software similar to MS Access, in fact, I replaced Access with Rekall about 15 years ago, and MySQL databae system running in the background.
Up until recently Rekall was actively maintained and it was available for download in the openSUSE repository KDE/KDE3. This repository has now disappeared from the repository list, probably because KDE3 is no longer being maintained.

Since I have spent considerable efforts and time to develop our application with Rekall, and it has worked for us so well over time, I would like to know whether an updated Rekall will be available again in the future, or whether it must be abandoned and replaced with something else. Looking into alternatives, I have found nothing that could replace rekall yet. Either it does not work correctly, or some important functions were missing.

Can anybody offer some information or useful ideas on this matter?
Thank you for any ideas you can put forward.

It’s still there…?

Thanks very much indeed.
I downloaded the files and extracted them, but now I don’t know how to install them into my computer.
Perhaps you can point some HOWTO where I can learn how to do this.

add the KDE3 repository through yast and then install through the yast software management.