Like some other Tumbleweed users, I have Packman with priority 90 and the official openSUSE repos with priorities 97 and 98. I’m interested in improving the reliability of my system by changing the Mesa vendor to openSUSE’s repo, as I’ve seen recommended on this forum.
The other day, I changed the vendor on the Mesa packages like this:
So my question is:
What is the recommended way to get from my original starting point with codecs and several Mesa coming from Packman with priority 90 to a setup where Mesa drivers all come from an official openSUSE repo and stay that way during zypper dup? I have some other packages from Packman that I don’t think are available from openSUSE’s repos, such as the broadcom wireless drivers and other codecs that I would continue using Packman for.
So I allowed zypper dup to revert the packages back to packman and then tried your suggestion, but it did not work:
❯ sudo zypper install --allow-vendor-change --from Tumbleweed_OSS --allow-downgrade Mesa Mesa-dri Mesa-libGL1 Mesa-libEGL1 Mesa-gallium Mesa-vulkan-device-select Mesa-libglapi0
[sudo] password for root:
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
The selected package 'Mesa-libEGL1-24.3.0-395.1.x86_64' from repository 'Tumbleweed_OSS' has lower version than the installed one. Use 'zypper install --oldpackage Mesa-libEGL1-24.3.0-395.1.x86_64' to force installation of the package.
The selected package 'Mesa-libGL1-24.3.0-395.1.x86_64' from repository 'Tumbleweed_OSS' has lower version than the installed one. Use 'zypper install --oldpackage Mesa-libGL1-24.3.0-395.1.x86_64' to force installation of the package.
The selected package 'Mesa-24.3.0-395.1.x86_64' from repository 'Tumbleweed_OSS' has lower version than the installed one. Use 'zypper install --oldpackage Mesa-24.3.0-395.1.x86_64' to force installation of the package.
The selected package 'Mesa-dri-24.3.0-395.1.x86_64' from repository 'Tumbleweed_OSS' has lower version than the installed one. Use 'zypper install --oldpackage Mesa-dri-24.3.0-395.1.x86_64' to force installation of the package.
The selected package 'Mesa-gallium-24.3.0-395.1.x86_64' from repository 'Tumbleweed_OSS' has lower version than the installed one. Use 'zypper install --oldpackage Mesa-gallium-24.3.0-395.1.x86_64' to force installation of the package.
The selected package 'Mesa-libglapi0-24.3.0-395.1.x86_64' from repository 'Tumbleweed_OSS' has lower version than the installed one. Use 'zypper install --oldpackage Mesa-libglapi0-24.3.0-395.1.x86_64' to force installation of the package.
The selected package 'Mesa-vulkan-device-select-24.3.0-395.1.x86_64' from repository 'Tumbleweed_OSS' has lower version than the installed one. Use 'zypper install --oldpackage Mesa-vulkan-device-select-24.3.0-395.1.x86_64' to force installation of the package.
Resolving package dependencies...
Nothing to do.
Continuing on, I’ll show the output from downgrading and updating. First I’ll unlock the packages, then I’ll downgrade seven Mesa packages, then I’ll lock them, and then zypper dup.
❯ sudo zypper rl -r Tumbleweed_OSS Mesa Mesa-dri Mesa-libGL1 Mesa-libEGL1 Mesa-gallium Mesa-vulkan-device-select Mesa-libglapi0 Mesa-KHR-devel Mesa-libEGL-devel Mesa-libGL-devel libvulkan_intel
11 locks have been successfully removed.
❯ zypper ll
There are no package locks defined.
❯ sudo zypper in --allow-vendor-change --from Tumbleweed_OSS --allow-downgrade --oldpackage Mesa Mesa-dri Mesa-libGL1 Mesa-libEGL1 Mesa-gallium Mesa-vulkan-device-select Mesa-libglapi0
[sudo] password for root:
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...
The following 7 packages are going to be downgraded:
Mesa Mesa-dri Mesa-gallium Mesa-libEGL1 Mesa-libGL1 Mesa-libglapi0 Mesa-vulkan-device-select
The following 7 packages are going to change vendor:
Mesa -> openSUSE
Mesa-dri -> openSUSE
Mesa-gallium -> openSUSE
Mesa-libEGL1 -> openSUSE
Mesa-libGL1 -> openSUSE
Mesa-libglapi0 -> openSUSE
Mesa-vulkan-device-select -> openSUSE
7 packages to downgrade, 7 to change vendor.
Package download size: 23.6 MiB
Package install size change:
| 125.2 MiB required by packages that will be installed
-120.0 KiB | - 125.3 MiB released by packages that will be removed
Backend: classic_rpmtrans
Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): y
Retrieving: Mesa-libglapi0-24.3.1-396.1.x86_64 (Tumbleweed_OSS) (1/7), 78.9 KiB
Retrieving: Mesa-libglapi0-24.3.1-396.1.x86_64.rpm ...............................................................................................................................................................[done]
Retrieving: Mesa-vulkan-device-select-24.3.1-396.1.x86_64 (Tumbleweed_OSS) (2/7), 80.6 KiB
Retrieving: Mesa-vulkan-device-select-24.3.1-396.1.x86_64.rpm ....................................................................................................................................................[done]
Retrieving: Mesa-24.3.1-396.1.x86_64 (Tumbleweed_OSS) (3/7), 60.2 KiB
Retrieving: Mesa-24.3.1-396.1.x86_64.rpm .............................................................................................................................................................[done (2.5 KiB/s)]
Retrieving: Mesa-dri-24.3.1-396.1.x86_64 (Tumbleweed_OSS) (4/7), 9.7 MiB
Retrieving: Mesa-dri-24.3.1-396.1.x86_64.rpm ........................................................................................................................................................[done (11.5 MiB/s)]
Retrieving: Mesa-libEGL1-24.3.1-396.1.x86_64 (Tumbleweed_OSS) (5/7), 184.0 KiB
Retrieving: Mesa-libEGL1-24.3.1-396.1.x86_64.rpm .................................................................................................................................................................[done]
Retrieving: Mesa-libGL1-24.3.1-396.1.x86_64 (Tumbleweed_OSS) (6/7), 201.5 KiB
Retrieving: Mesa-libGL1-24.3.1-396.1.x86_64.rpm ..................................................................................................................................................................[done]
Retrieving: Mesa-gallium-24.3.1-396.1.x86_64 (Tumbleweed_OSS) (7/7), 13.3 MiB
Retrieving: Mesa-gallium-24.3.1-396.1.x86_64.rpm ....................................................................................................................................................[done (10.3 MiB/s)]
Checking for file conflicts: .....................................................................................................................................................................................[done]
(1/7) Installing: Mesa-libglapi0-24.3.1-396.1.x86_64 .............................................................................................................................................................[done]
(2/7) Installing: Mesa-vulkan-device-select-24.3.1-396.1.x86_64 ..................................................................................................................................................[done]
(3/7) Installing: Mesa-24.3.1-396.1.x86_64 .......................................................................................................................................................................[done]
(4/7) Installing: Mesa-dri-24.3.1-396.1.x86_64 ...................................................................................................................................................................[done]
(5/7) Installing: Mesa-libEGL1-24.3.1-396.1.x86_64 ...............................................................................................................................................................[done]
(6/7) Installing: Mesa-libGL1-24.3.1-396.1.x86_64 ................................................................................................................................................................[done]
(7/7) Installing: Mesa-gallium-24.3.1-396.1.x86_64 ...............................................................................................................................................................[done]
Running post-transaction scripts .................................................................................................................................................................................[done]
There are running programs which still use files and libraries deleted or updated by recent upgrades. They should be restarted to benefit from the latest updates. Run 'zypper ps -s' to list these programs.
❯ sudo zypper al -r Tumbleweed_OSS Mesa Mesa-dri Mesa-libGL1 Mesa-libEGL1 Mesa-gallium Mesa-vulkan-device-select Mesa-libglapi0
Specified locks have been successfully added.
❯ zypper ll
# | Name | Type | Repository | Comment
1 | Mesa | package | Tumbleweed_OSS |
2 | Mesa-dri | package | Tumbleweed_OSS |
3 | Mesa-gallium | package | Tumbleweed_OSS |
4 | Mesa-libEGL1 | package | Tumbleweed_OSS |
5 | Mesa-libGL1 | package | Tumbleweed_OSS |
6 | Mesa-libglapi0 | package | Tumbleweed_OSS |
7 | Mesa-vulkan-device-select | package | Tumbleweed_OSS |
❯ sudo zypper dup
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Warning: You are about to do a distribution upgrade with all enabled repositories. Make sure these repositories are compatible before you continue. See 'man zypper' for more information about this command.
Computing distribution upgrade...
The following 7 packages are going to be upgraded:
Mesa Mesa-dri Mesa-gallium Mesa-libEGL1 Mesa-libGL1 Mesa-libglapi0 Mesa-vulkan-device-select
The following 7 packages are going to change vendor:
Mesa openSUSE ->
Mesa-dri openSUSE ->
Mesa-gallium openSUSE ->
Mesa-libEGL1 openSUSE ->
Mesa-libGL1 openSUSE ->
Mesa-libglapi0 openSUSE ->
Mesa-vulkan-device-select openSUSE ->
7 packages to upgrade, 7 to change vendor.
Package download size:
| 23.7 MiB overall package size
0 B | - 23.7 MiB already in cache
Package install size change:
| 125.3 MiB required by packages that will be installed
120.0 KiB | - 125.2 MiB released by packages that will be removed
Backend: classic_rpmtrans
Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): y
In cache (1/7), 81.2 KiB
In cache (2/7), 79.5 KiB
In cache (3/7), 9.7 MiB
In cache (4/7), 184.6 KiB
In cache (5/7), 60.8 KiB
In cache (6/7), 202.1 KiB
In cache (7/7), 13.3 MiB
Checking for file conflicts: .....................................................................................................................................................................................[done]
(1/7) Installing: ..........................................................................................................................................[done]
(2/7) Installing: .....................................................................................................................................................[done]
(3/7) Installing: ...........................................................................................................................................................[done]
(4/7) Installing: .......................................................................................................................................................[done]
(5/7) Installing: ...............................................................................................................................................................[done]
(6/7) Installing: ........................................................................................................................................................[done]
(7/7) Installing: .......................................................................................................................................................[done]
Running post-transaction scripts .................................................................................................................................................................................[done]
There are running programs which still use files and libraries deleted or updated by recent upgrades. They should be restarted to benefit from the latest updates. Run 'zypper ps -s' to list these programs.
Please let me know if you need to see anything else. Thank you!
The following 41 package updates will NOT be installed:
Mesa x86_64 Packman_Tumbleweed
And it does not need any locks - zypper does not switch vendor by default. Looks like you changed default settings, in which case you need to describe what you did.
I don’t believe I’ve changed anything, but I did install Tumbleweed via GeckoLinux. I looked in the zypper.conf, and I don’t see a change to solver.allowVendorChange.
So you do not use Tumbleweed. You use another distribution based on Tumbleweed. You should have tagged your post as “other” instead of misleading everyone.
GeckoLinux isn’t its own distro. It’s just an alternative installer and configuration for Tumbleweed. Once its installer is done, it’s just Tumbleweed. It doesn’t have its own repos. I believe you can get the same system from using the YaST installer or agama and applying the same post-installation configuration.
But the GeckoLinux image is over two years old, so maybe the zypp config is different now or perhaps that’s one of their post-installation configurations. In any case, I agree that I should have mentioned GeckoLinux installation at the start, so I apologize for that.