Thanks for fixin the LogOn

Thanks to whoever finally fixed… either by accident -or- on purpose the logon. What am I talking about?? Well, I have my .xinitrc set to display two terminal windows when I logon so I can go right to work. Have had them this way since way back … -BUT- they got broke in release 12.2 and stayed broke … till now. The “latest” updates fixed it. The “problem” was; the terminal windows would come up -BUT- their tops were touching the top of the screen. They were supposed to be positioned further down. The code that I have in the .xinitrc is listed below.

Again, I just want to thank whoever fixed it.


xterm -geometry 100x35+385+180 \
        -fg Black -bg NavajoWhite -sb \
        -rightbar \
        -title NavajoWhite \
        -fn 8x13 &

xterm -geometry 137x35+157+390 \
        -fg White -bg SteelBlue4 -sb \
        -rightbar \
        -title For_coding \
        -fn 8x13 &

Realy nice colour combinations you use there.:slight_smile:

Thanks Henk. Those are only two of my “colorful” screens. I have the rest in my aliases. I also change the DIR_COLORS in /etc so I don’t get conflicts with “my terminals”. The roots ones are Red. And I also have changed the Titling of the screens so that I may have what I want.

Take care,