Test of kernel problem

my purpose was to test the new kernel for milestone 4 using the normal applications on an existing workstation to get an idea of potential problems of upgrading it from 11.1 to 11.2. This proved to be a bust trying to install the new kernel on a 11.1 machine.

when i got to the point of reinstalling the ati proprietary drive i got a error “kernel-source” not found, thou in fact it was along with the linux-headers rpm.

i am aware that the new kernel is built with a different version of gcc but am unsure if that is entirely the issue.

any suggestions?

You need the kernel-syms package.


I get this error

which: no XFree86 in (/home/dale/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games:/opt/kde3/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/jre/bin:/usr/lib/mit/bin:/usr/lib/mit/sbin)

Error: ./default_policy.sh does not support version
default:v2:i686:lib::none:; make sure that the version is being
correctly set by --iscurrentdistro

I am using the radeon driver which works about as good as the proprietary driver did with openSUSE 11.1

Thanks for the info etech97, the kernel-syms (and all the devel packages it pulls with it) got rid of the “kernel-source not found” error. Unfortunately the module build tanked with a lot of other error messages that pretty much points to having the new gcc packages for it to build correctly.

The radeonhd driver does well on this machine too, dale14846, and for the database workout i plan to do, it will suffice.

thanks to you both for the help. :slight_smile:

I did a zypper update last night, and it appeared to have pulled the new gcc that you are looking for :slight_smile:


I don’t think that ATI’s proprietary driver works with 2.6.30 kernel.