How can I change the look of the terminal during startup of opensuse (where all things get loaded etc.)? Now the terminal looks quite old-fashioned like DOS in the old days, but I remember that opensuse had a much nicer terminal during installation with a higher resolution. How can I reactivate that terminal look?
Kind regards,
You mean verbose mode
Edit /boot/grub/menu.lst
in the default boot arguments edit out ‘splash=silent’
I think that’s all you need to do.
NhatPhongTran adjusted his/her AFDB on Tuesday 14 Jul 2009 14:26 to write:
> Hi!
> How can I change the look of the terminal during startup of opensuse
> (where all things get loaded etc.)? Now the terminal looks quite
> old-fashioned like DOS in the old days, but I remember that opensuse had
> a much nicer terminal during installation with a higher resolution. How
> can I reactivate that terminal look?
> Kind regards,
> Phong
You can add a vga= option to the boot loader.
If you use Yast>system>bootloader and choose the SuSE option and edit there
is a text entry ppoint for vga which will append it ti the boot options.
Now depending on you screen capabilities and modes that are compatible
depends on what you enter.
0x317 will give you 1024x768
i use:
For 1440x900
If you know which you want then either do a google for “vga console modes”
or similar or just holler here I have no doubt that we will find it for you.
You can see a list of some of them in the kernel source packages in the
documents dir under vga, but these are somewhat outdated and do not give all
supported modes.
Caveat emptor
Nullus in verba
Nil illegitimi carborundum
Thanks for your replies. I tried removing the splash=silent and used as vga mode 0x037d which should be something like 1920x1080 at 24bits per pixel, but still the terminal looks the same. I want to have the terminal back, that appeared right after installing opensuse, it even had some kind of a background image I remember. Maybe it’s an x-based terminal then?
You are talking about the boot splash/verbose mode as opposed to the desktop konsole?
Yeah probably. It’s just a terminal console during startup that looks a lot different than the usual DOS one. Usually with some kind of opensuse background.