After reboot the server will only allow 15 telnet sessions. I have checked in /dev but all the pseudo ports ttyp0 thru ttypf and ttyq0 thru ttyqf are there. The telnet daemon is running fine, but I am now running myself into a corner.
How are you running telnetd, via xinetd? Do you have a connection limit in /etc/xinetd.d/*?
Tks for the prompt assistance.
Yes, telnet is running via xinetd, user root as usual. 15 Users logged in.
No, I cannot find any restrictions in /etc/xinetd.d files.
All their modification dates also indicates no change since installation and configuration.
Check log files in /var/log for any additional error messages.
Nothing funny in logs, but I relinkes and installed new kernel 0 no ok.
Thank you VERY MUCH for the assistance.
On 2010-10-11 10:06, stefaug wrote:
> After reboot the server will only allow 15 telnet sessions. I have
I think this question should be moved to the network-internet forum.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)