Teamviewer install

Anyone tried to install Teamviewer on 15.2?
Have downloaded teamviewer_15.7.6.x86_64.rpm and tried to install, but get

Failed dependencies:        qt5-qtdeclarative >= 5.5 is needed by teamviewer-15.7.6-0.x86_64        qt5-qtquickcontrols >= 5.5 is needed by teamviewer-15.7.6-0.x86_64

and yet I have all available options for libqt5-qtdeclarative* and libqt5-qtquickcontrols*, installed…
Are these the actual requirements, as the Teamviewer dependencies states: qt5-qtdeclarative and qt5-qtquickcontrols - ie not LIBqt5…
And, the actual libqt5 options in Software manager, doesn’t seem to include just a libqt5 option, only “devel” or “debug”, etc.

You’re using the wrong RPM.

The right RPM:

Whoops, missed that! Inattentive!

Noticed that the original rpm complained about insufficiently late KDE framework packages and the recommended doesn’t specify a version number.

If the suse/openSUSE version is older and lacks features,
You can try upgrading your KDE Qt Framework to see if that satisfies dependencies.

The Qt framework as well as other KDE packages can be upgraded by adding the appropriate repository as described on the following SDB