Teamspeak 3: strange echo effect like: Stereo Mix or "What you hear", what can i do?

i have a strange problem using a audio communication tool called “Teamspeak 3”.
I used this on the same PC with the same hardware but on Windows 7 no iam trying to get it to work with openSUSE 13.1 KDE.
Most problems are expected like that iam to quite but there is one problem i did not found a solution for so far, i think it could be related to my general sound configuration:

  • when i speak into my microphone the others in my channel say that i am very quite but when someone else in the channel speaks there i a huge and extreme echo effect, triggered by my microphone i thought. But even if i mute my microphone (via a hardware button on the cable) this strange effect still occurs! This reminds to a Window audio option called: “what you hear” or also called “stereo mix” when such an option is activated everyone can hear what i hear!
    I seached but could not find such an option in KDE and phonon, i even muted every other recording device on KMix, there is another soundcard in my pc but with no device plugged in and a unused USB headset which is disabled. And something strange called:
    1.1 root hub which i disabled directly via phonon (all other devices are only muted via KMix)

I know that TS3 is not officially supported but maybe someone can help my though.

what os 32 or 64 bit? What is the bitiness of team speak. If OS is 64 and teamspeak 32 you may need some 32 libraries.

Also you might try installing pavucontrol it might be better at configuring then kmix and can be done per app

opensuse 13.1 64 bit and TS3 64 bit
i have pavucontrol installed, but i was not able to identify an option to disable “Stereo Mix” or similar, as i said i can hear others and others can he me, but they can hear what i hear too and not because of my speaker is too loud or my mike to sensitive.

Without knowing anything about your hardware, do you possibly have another microphone source present?

I disabled all other recording devices (i muted them in KMix) i even switched the recording device in TS3 directly to my headset microphone but this does not changed anything.