I have a trivial problem, that is not actually a problem, but a mindor irritation.
suse11.0, KDE 3.5.9 and nVidia, 2 monitors.
I set graphics that my left monitor is second, and my right monitor is primary. I put menubar upwards like in gnome, and I extracted taskbar down. Both of them are on the right monitor, while left monitor is free of them.
Taskbar shows tasks from right monitor only. Whatever is put on left, there is no application bar in the taskbar. If I press “show all list” button on taskbar, popup lists all windows, left and right.
That is annoying because if I have one window maximized on the left side, and some window below it (left side), I must:
press show all list button
push mouse so compiz shows all windows
use alt-tab to browse through thumbnail windows.
I reckon this has something to do with settings in KDE, but I cant figure out what.
Hmmm … there is a setting in KDE Kicker or thereabouts to enable/disable which tasks are shown in the taskbar: all tasks or only tasks for the current desktop. Maybe dual monitors are treated as two separate desktops and you should just toggle the above setting accordingly?
It was not kicker, sorry; the setting I was talking about may be found in KDE Control Center/Desktop/Window Behavior/Focus. There is a toggle option called something like “Cycle through windows from all desktops” (as opposed to cycling through the windows of the current desktop only).
To be honest I didn’t get exactly (100%) your question.
But maybe try this, In yast2 turn off (disable) the dual head feature
and let nvidia manage your two monitors.
I can’t comment on kde because I am not using it.
I use xfce and handles the dual monitor with separate screen very well
I just put it back the other night so the wife can watch a movie while I am using the other monitor
Josipe, there is no such option anywhere. We may be using different KDEs.
Conram, well, that button is linked to nVidia settings. If I deselect it, I loose 2 monitors, then if I enable it in nvidia settings, it is back on… so I reckon is the same thing.
Well, this thing is just a minor irritation. No problem if it continues this way. Maybe compiz is screwing it, maybe not. Never mind anyways.
Thank you for tips!
Did you right click on the taskbar, Configure Panel, Taskbar and check “Show windows from all screens” and “Show windows from all desktops”? You might need to toggle these settings - ie, turn them off, apply the change, then turn the back on and apply the change. There was a version of KDE that had the meaning backwards.
Well That’s how I configured my two monitors.
I disabled dual head in yast because the 2nd act only as the extension of the first and I want to have a two separate ones. I guess you have to restart x after your configuration and use nvidia-settings as root and do the necessary changes and restart again.
For reference have a look on the link below to see my two screen shots of my two separate monitors.
hieronymous, yes, I did. It shows tasks from all 4 right desktops, not left though.
Conram, yes, I did.
I reckon something is wrong with kde taskbar itself, because list shows them all, but no task boxes for left ones.
Never mind that, maybe will disappear with some KDE update. Even if not, no big deal.
To be honest, my bet is on nVidia driver.
Can you not create a taskbar for the second screen
Try looking at your kde settings it might have that option. In xfce desktop settings there’s two monitors showing for which I can customize in creating each with their own individual panels.