how do I compile a tar.bz2 file I have never succesfully done it. I really want to do it for mac on linux.
stephen@linux-3sqj:~> su
linux-3sqj:/home/stephen # cd Download/mol-
linux-3sqj:/home/stephen/Download/mol- # ./
Invoking autoheader and autoconf.
./ line 18: autoheader: command not found
autoheader failed
linux-3sqj:/home/stephen/Download/mol- #
Hello stephenmac7,
how do I compile a tar.bz2 file I have never succesfully done it. I really want to do it for mac on linux.
I’m not sure what you mean.
I think you want to compile a program which source is in an archief.
stephen@linux-3sqj:~> su Password: linux-3sqj:/home/stephen # cd Download/mol- linux-3sqj:/home/stephen/Download/mol- # ./ ================================================== Invoking autoheader and autoconf. **./ line 18: autoheader: command not found autoheader failed** linux-3sqj:/home/stephen/Download/mol- #
To solve this problem you need to install autoconf.
You can do this trough YaST->Software Management.
And could you tell us a bit more.
Which version of openSUSE you have.
Which program you want to compile.
And the version of the program you want to compile.
Good luck!
I am trying to install mac on linux but most of the time I am trying to install on tar.bz2 files
Hello stephenmac7,
I am trying to install mac on linux but most of the time I am trying to install on tar.bz2 files
I assume you try to compile Mac-on-Linux.
Can you tell us which version of Mac-on-Linux you want to compile so others can try it themselves.
To solve this problem you need to install autoconf.
You can do this trough YaST->Software Management.
Did installing autoconf solved the problem?
Good luck!
no, and I am using openSUSE 11.2 and the version of Mac on linux is
you should try doing it the correct (and quicker/easier) way:
- open YaST
- give your root password when requested
- go Software > Software Management
- search on mol (or whatever you are looking for)
- when the search is over, on the right will be a listing of offers,
READ the descriptions until you find which (if there are several
offered) and then - right click on it and select to install
- click “Accept” (UNLESS you have several things you want to install
then just repeat 4 through 6 until ALL have been marked to install…
and, in the time you save you can learn when to begin reading all the
other neat new ways to do it the Linux way, here:
what about other tar.bz2 packages
Hello stephenmac7,
no, and I am using openSUSE 11.2 and the version of Mac on linux is
I tried it myself and it compiled.
Did you get an different error message after installing autoconf?
you should try doing it the correct (and quicker/easier) way:
- open YaST
- give your root password when requested
- go Software > Software Management
- search on mol (or whatever you are looking for)
- when the search is over, on the right will be a listing of offers,
READ the descriptions until you find which (if there are several
offered) and then- right click on it and select to install
- click “Accept” (UNLESS you have several things you want to install
then just repeat 4 through 6 until ALL have been marked to install…
I tried it myself, but couldn’t find the right package.
So I’m wondering which repositories you have?
Good luck!
nope nothing
I can’t find anything not even in there is a mol package but it is not it
never mind it is but I can’t open the application
also you did not reply on the original question how to install tarball files
Hello stephenmac7,
also you did not reply on the original question how to install tarball files
Most of the time you need to extract the archive.
And run these commands:
make install
I can’t find anything not even in there is a mol package but it is not it
I couldn’t find it either.
Good luck!
actually there is one… I found is go to
put in mol under openSUSE Factory
I can’t even start the program I run KDE and searched for it but nothing popped up
Also thank you palladium you have answered over 75% of all my threads
Just for the fun of it.
cat /etc/SuSE-release
gives what?
openSUSE 11.2 (i586)
VERSION = 11.2
That is what it gives