Installed openSUSE 13.2 with the Gnome DE. The computer is an HP tc4400, one of their older (2006??) tabletPCs. I also installed the tabletPC pattern software. Eekboard works, Inkscape seems to work fine, I think Wacom settings are fine.
I would like to be able to simply rotate the screen sometimes when I use it in tablet mode though. I have read through the documentation,** Chapter 36 Using PC Tablets** which for Gnome says: "Start gnome-display-properties from the main menu, or enter gnome-display-properties to start the applet from a shell. After you have started the applet, the applet icon is usually added to your system tray. If the gnome-display-properties icon does not automatically appear in the system tray, make sure Show Displays in Panel is activated in the Monitor Resolution Settings dialog.To rotate your display with gnome-display-properties, right-click the icon and select the desired orientation. Your display is immediately tilted to the new direction. The orientation of the graphics tablet changes also, so it can still interpret the movement of the pen correctly.
I do not have a gnome-display-properties in the main menu to select, the icon does not appear in the system tray automatically, I cannot find any Monitor Resolutions Dialog other than the one in settings/Display which has no options for Show Displays in Panel to select. Some of the documentation mentions “click Computer+Control Center” to access these options but I have no computer to click. Entering “gnomecc” also yield a “command not found”. “su” followed by gnome-control-center gives me:
linux-jx4y:/home/bilbo # gnome-control-center
** (gnome-control-center:2438): WARNING **: Ignoring broken panel ca.desrt.dconf-editor (missing desktop file)
** (gnome-control-center:2438): WARNING **: Invalid categories Settings;DesktopSettings;X-GNOME-DesktopSettings;X-GNOME-Sundry; for panel itweb-settings.desktop
** (gnome-control-center:2438): WARNING **: atk-bridge: Couldn’t listen on dbus server: Failed to bind socket “/run/user/0/at-spi2-socket-2438”: No such file or directory
I have a “Settings” menu that can be accessed through the drop down on the right of the top panel, but that does not have the options referred to in the documentation needed to enable rotation.
I have been around Ubuntu and Debian Distros for a while, but openSUSE is new to me, maybe I am missing something but running into a dead end on screen rotation. I cannot find a gnome-control-center although it says that is loaded (in YaST).
Any suggestions? Any help much appreciated, I have had no luck finding answers in the forum or through Google.