yesterday i did a clean update to kde 4.3 and now system tray expands over panel and looks all ugly.
also kde asks for a password to reboot or shut down.
jurgis adjusted his/her AFDB on Tuesday 19 May 2009 11:26 to write:
> yesterday i did a clean update to kde 4.3 and now system tray expands
> over panel and looks all ugly.
> also kde asks for a password to reboot or shut down.
> help?
mv ~/.kde4 ~/.kde4-bak
Hold down:
Backspace x2
Any good?
Nullus in verba
Nil illigitimi carborundum
the system tray starts looking normally with the (i) button, but as soon as other icons start to appear, it becomes oversized.
jurgis wrote:
> nope.
> the system tray starts looking normally with the (i) button, but as
> soon as other icons start to appear, it becomes oversized.
what happens if you change your desktop theme?
Suse 11.1 x64, Kde 4.2.1, Opera 10.x weekly
already tried that. systray stays ugly.
oh, i forgot to mention that i’m on 11.0, composite disabled. btw the issue with system tray wasn’t there when i had 4.3beta from unstable repo several days ago
the exact same thing with systray also happened after upgrading 11.2milestone1 to kde4.3beta1.
am i the only one who’s experiencing this?
You surely are. I never had this issue
I only had an issue using stasks instead of standard task manager