Systemtray Icons not working + flickering screen

I have the following setup:
Opensuse 42.1. leap
4.3.0-2-default Kernel
KDE Plasma 5.4.3
5.5 QT
nvidia optimus with bumblee (not nvidia-bumblebee…) enabled and installed like is said on the opensuse wiki
bumblebeed is active and working (i think proberly).

systemctl status bumblebeed
bumblebeed.service - Bumblebee C Daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/bumblebeed.service; enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Do 2015-12-17 09:46:33 CET; 6h ago
 Main PID: 892 (bumblebeed)
   CGroup: /system.slice/bumblebeed.service
           └─892 /usr/sbin/bumblebeed

I have the following bug or problem:
The monitor is flickering and the “old” icons (used by tomboy, thunderbird, firefox etc) which should appear in the systemtray when i minimize the program/window are not showing up …hplip is saying “No systemtray detected.”
It seemed that i had a workaround: Pressing Alt+Shift+F12 (switching on and off the desktop effects) and again. This helped for a while but after some hibernates the flickering is still away when I do the workaround but the icons are not appearing anymore…Actually i tried alot of stuff: removing the .kde and .kde4 folders in my home directory and so on but nothings seems to help…Also playing around with different versions of OpenGl in the Composite menue does have no effect…

Any suggestions to that?

Best, Benjamin

There’s a known problem at the moment, that old-style icons may show up completely transparent on some systems.
This has been fixed on Sunday, an update is on the way.
You can install it from the update-test repo if you want to have it now:

sudo rpm -Uvh

Regarding the flickering, try to switch to XRender for Compositing.
Or this might help:

hplip is saying “No systemtray detected.”

That’s a bug in hplip.
Changing the Exec line to “sleep 10; hplip-tray” or similar should help.
There are other threads about this though, please use the search function.

removing the .kde and .kde4 folders in my home directory and so on but nothings seems to help…

.kde is for KDE3, .kde4 for KDE4.
Plasma5/KF5 keeps the settings in ~/.config/.

But it might be easier/better to just create a new user account and try with this.

Okay that seemed to help…Icons are now showing up and this seems to work nicely…WIth regard to the flickering it sometimes appears but Alt+SHift+F12 seems to be a functioning workaround :wink: I think I will wait a little longer till some new updates come…Desktop is usable at this time! (Which is fine if you consider myself having an nvidia optimus…) Thanks for help!:wink:

Okay still there seems to be trouble here: The Icons sometimes show up, sometimes not, also after the last updates…With regard to the flickering: Alt+Shift+F12 seems to help but i have to use it about five times a day. Might this be a bug within the intel drivers?

…I just wanted to ask if there are some solutions to the icon stuff in the sys tray…I still encounter, that sometimes the icons of thunderbird/tomboy (which seem to old icons based on qt3 or 4) appear correctly in the systray and sometimes not. It is more or less random when the appear correctly but most of the time they don’t show up in the systray…Any suggestions?

…I already updated to qt 5 which was said to solve these problems but they still exist …

Os 42.1.
Kernel 4.1.15
qt 5.5.1
kde 5.5.5

Thunderbird and Tomboy are no Qt applications, so the icons are neither based on qt3 nor qt4…

appear correctly in the systray and sometimes not. It is more or less random when the appear correctly but most of the time they don’t show up in the systray…Any suggestions?

What does “not appear” mean exactly?
They are not there at all, or they are blank?
Also, have you checked whether they are just hidden?

…I already updated to qt 5 which was said to solve these problems but they still exist …

It was never said that an update to Qt5 would solve those problems.
It’s the applications that draw the old-style icons, not the system tray or desktop.

This should work, most problems in xembedsniproxy should be fixed meanwhile.
There still is one though in that some icons may be rendered too small/tiny, which might make them appear (nearly) blank. A (hopeful) fix for this has been added in 5.6.0.

Try to install libappindicator1 and/or libappindicator3, that might enable those applications to show a new-style icon.

I don’t use neither Thunderbird nor tomboy (don’t even have them installed), so I don’t know whether there’s a general problem or a possible way to fix it.

One option would be to “replace” xembedsniproxy (which converts old-style icons to new-style icons on the fly, so that they appear in Plasma5’s system tray that only supports new-style icons) with a “real” old-style system tray. Try killing xembedsniproxy and run icewmtray (should be installed by default).

No the icon is not showing up not even invisible in the tray…

Try to install libappindicator1 and/or libappindicator3, that might enable those applications to show a new-style icon.

I tried this but nothing has changes so for…I also tried to remove the plamsa* files in ~/.config/ and let plasma rebuild them anew, but that didn help eitherway…

One option would be to “replace” xembedsniproxy (which converts old-style icons to new-style icons on the fly, so that they appear in Plasma5’s system tray that only supports new-style icons) with a “real” old-style system tray. Try killing xembedsniproxy and run icewmtray (should be installed by default).

Thanks for the hint, but to me this workaround seems a little bit to old -school :wink: Anyway thanks for your replies…I am just wondering why such a common program like tb didn´t update their program to newer kde solutions…

Anyway…Cheers it is friday!

Well, then the application does not even create an icon it seems.

Just to be sure: is the process xembedsniproxy running?
As explained, Plasma5 doesn’t support old-style icons at all, xembedsniproxy is needed to convert them to new-style icons.

One problem might be that it detects Plasma’s new style system tray and tries to create a new style icon but fails (or something like that). At least that’s a problem with dropbox at the moment.
You could try to kill plasmashell, run the application, and start plasmashell again. Or run the application with dbus-launch (“dbus-launch thunderbird” e.g.) so that it doesn’t find the new-style system tray and fallback to an old-style icon.
Does the icon show up then?

I also tried to remove the plamsa* files in ~/.config/ and let plasma rebuild them anew, but that didn help eitherway…

Yes, that’s not expected to help.
Old-style icons are completely unrelated to Plasma. They are actually small windows created by the application, that originally just got embedded into the system tray (but not in Plasma5 any more, xembedsniproxy “handles” them, grabs the graphics and creates a new-style icon from that).

Thanks for the hint, but to me this workaround seems a little bit to old -school :wink: Anyway thanks for your replies…I am just wondering why such a common program like tb didn´t update their program to newer kde solutions…

Well, as indicated it is not a KDE application.
OTOH, that new-style specification (SNI) is not KDE specific (although it has originally been proposed and implemented by KDE in 2009) at all…

Anyway…Cheers it is friday!

I’ll maybe try to install thunderbird or tomboy over the weekend and have a look…