on my Laptop OS=leap 42.3, DE=plasma 5.13.0, KDE frameworks 5.47.0, KDE applications 18.4.2, Kernel 4.4.132-53-default, nvidia drivers, *tried to change the wiew of system settings to side bar, now I cannot come back to the previous view, there is no menu, what have I to do to come back to the previous view??
manythanks, ciao
This is by no means a default 42.3 install, and looks like a mix of KDE packages. Check what’s installed from where.
it seems to come from the same repo kde:/frameworks5, looking at the yast>software management>swearch and select systemsettings5>files list I found “/usr/share/kservices5/settings-sidebar-view.desktop” and renamed, it worked and the menu appeared again in tree view and I can now select the configure>general>icon view, I suppose that could be a bug in the sidebar view, the tree view and icon view has the menu with configure item but sidebar view not.
In sidebar view, at the top left, next to the search bar there is an icon (depending on your appearance settings – mine is a spanner). Clicking on the icon reveals a drop-down menu. One of the entries is “Configure” which presents the view options
When I read this, I wonder why you don’t run Tumbleweed. Because IMHO that’s what you’re trying tto partly create from your Leap 42.3 install. Please be aware that the situation you create on your system is your knowledge only. “Seems to come from …” doesn’t mean anything. Like said, I suspect you have a mix of stock, Update and KDE related packages. And as long as you don’t show any real info, like repos, we can only guess.
I tried, but tumbleweed doesn’t allow to install nvidia drivers with yast…
manythanks, …could you please suggest how to show any real info??
maaanythanks, this was the problem!
in my sidebar view there isn’t icon next to the search bar
but if I hoover the mouse over there something like a square appear and when I click it the configure menu appear, …do you know how to have that icon shown??
I think that the simplest metod is to choose an icon set that is more complete. I use Oxygen.
…me too use oxygen