System policies PopUp on Brightness level

My first posts in the forum.
Suse was one of my first distros that I played years ago, version 8, but after years I decided to come back, and I’m amazed with the work that as been done not only on openSuse but in KDE.
I’m running it on a PackardBell EasyNote EN TE11BZ , I had some issues with KDE (akanodis and the PIM), but everything look’s fine now.

Except this popup to type a root passwd, every time the power manager has to change the brightness or adjust in the login, witch is getting quite annoying.
I guess my user doesn’t have the permissions to execute the brightness adjustments. But were can I configure this ?


/etc/polkit-default-privs.local, but you shouldn’t have to do that.
The locally logged in user should have permissions to adjust the brightness level automatically ba default.

Please post the output of “loginctrl”, does this show your user session?

Did you maybe change the security settings to “secure” or even “paranoid” (PERMISSION_SECURITY in /etc/sysconfig/security) ?
That’s not advisable if you want to use a desktop environment without annoyance, and will exactly cause that dialog asking for the root password you experience.
If that’s the case, set it back to “easy local” in that file and run “sudo /sbin/set_polkit_default_privileges”.
Or use YaST->Security and Users->Security Center and System Hardening->Miscellaneous Settings->File Permissions. (set it to “Easy”)

It would be possible to only override the “Get brightness” security settings in /etc/polkit-default-privs.local, but you will still experience other annoyances as well with secure settings.

:)yeap , that was it ! I did change the security settings to “secure” days ago.
I’ve changed now to “easy” , and the popup is no more !

Thanks !

By the way , a couple of questions about the forum:

In this cases, do you change the threads to “Solve” , or it’s not important ?
And, is there a way , to have some kind of signature or something, to be able to post the hardware and opensuse version, just to avoid giving the same information every time we have a issue ?

Thanks again !

You might add a “(SOLVED)” or similar to the thread’s title.

And, is there a way , to have some kind of signature or something, to be able to post the hardware and opensuse version, just to avoid giving the same information every time we have a issue ?

You can set a signature in the “User control panel” (you can find this in the upper-right of the page).
Click on “Settings”->“My Profily”->“Edit Signature” on the left there.

You may want to read
There is also something about Signatures in there.

BTW, the problems with putting basic information like your openSUSE version in a signature are:

  • may people forget to adapt their signature when something changes in their real world;
  • a signature is added to a post on the moment it is served to the browser, which means then you get always todays signature, even if you look at yesteryears thread, which will very often create confusion.

On 2014-09-10 13:26, mesnitu wrote:

> And, is there a way , to have some kind of signature or something, to be
> able to post the hardware and opensuse version, just to avoid giving the
> same information every time we have a issue ?

There is, but it is disallowed for newcomers: it was abused to include
links to spam sites in signatures. After some time here you can edit it.

And anyway, it is advisable to post that information in the post, not as
signature. Consider: in two years, you may be using version 14.1 Someone
reading this old post, will think that the problem you had was with
14.1, when it was with 13.1, and think that the thread is recent and
that it applies to him as well… because the signature changes
automatically on all posts, past and present.

(It is different for nntp users like me, the signature block can not be
changed by the forum software)

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

Yes, I understand the lack of permissions for new users and that’s advisable.
And yes, you right, didn’t think on the points that you’ve all mentioned.
It’s just, that this is going so well that I’m expecting some issues on the way, and I’m kind of lazy (I know, sorry God, but you made me this way ) :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks !