I am using suse, the newest realease, and gnome desktop 2.24.1, my notebook is very capable of running this program, hardware is above and beyond system requirements.
After shutting, or changing users, the system takes a long time to boot up. After initialization, or log-in, the system freezes upon going to computer/applications/documents/places, and I have to manually shut down and restart. Usually the second time everything runs smoothly.
video or .swf player issues in websites. I am using firefox browser, with all the loaded add-ons, ,swf player and banshee media player is loaded. However, upon loading a news website and wanting to watch the news video, or play a game on a gaming site, nothing happens, no video; although, if you right-click the video banshee options appear, but fail to work.
> First, After shutting, or changing users, the system takes a long
> time to boot up.
define long time please. (90 seconds, or 90 minutes)
> After initialization, or log-in, the system
> freezes upon going to computer/applications/documents/places
if this it pretty soon after booting up, then you need to disable or
uninstall Beagle…easiest is to right click the dopey dog on your
task bar (with the red hankie), then choose Configure Kerry > Deamon
Status (tab) > Stop (the button near the top) > Ok
that should get rid of the biggest slowdown…the other one that runs
right after boot is the openSUSE Updater…it is the green globe
looking icon near the Dog…if it is pulsating it is WORKING, which
usually uses lots of CPU cycles but for a short time…it is checking
to see if there are security updates that need to be installed to
keep you safe…and, it is wise to let it do its job, completely and
fully…and THEN get busy doing your other stuff with an UPDATED and
safe system…
> I have to manually shut down and restart. Usually the second time
> everything runs smoothly.
yep, the second time i think both the updater and the dog can see
that they have started lately, and they snooze…but, you miss the
updates that might be critical…
i can’t help with the firefox problem…mine “just worked”…ah, you
did follow all the tips, tricks, and HINTS at:
OK, i turned off the dog indexer in firefox. i boot acpi=off, and see that updater has finished.
i then go to my computer icon on bottom left of gui. i click on mail, or firefox or something and the system locks-up. not the desktop but the bottom tool bar functions.
i really am at a loss of what to do. i trashed windows for the various and obvious reasons that most do.i assumed that by using a stable linux program that I would have a faster, more stable program. so far, in boot-up time and efficiency, windows has this program beat.
hmmmmm, that is one SMALL inconsequential part of the dog…if you
didn’t kill the hound completely it is still around…if you can’t do
that by following the instructions i gave then i guess you need to
uninstall it in YaST or with zipper…use the search function in the
these fora to learn how…
otherwise: well…hmmmmm…i can tell you this: you have something
bad wrong with your install…i say that because what you describe
is absolutely not normal for openSUSE 11.1 running GNOME…
so, we must try to figure out what went wrong:
you have not told us much about your hardware…unfortunately if it
is a laptop it might present hardware specifically “tuned” for
MS-Windows™…have you checked your brand and model number in the
hardware compatibility list? <http://en.opensuse.org/HCL/> OR
search google with this term:
linux [computer brand] [model]
and see if it turns up problems similar to what you have experienced…
did you check your install media prior to installing? that is, if
you downloaded an iso, did you check its md5 prior to burning the
CD/DVD…AND then check the burnt disk by selecting the “media check”
in the first boot screen offering (which also includes stuff like
-and, did you install from DVD (the HIGHLY RECOMMENDED AND BEST WAY
TO GET GOING RIGHT), or did you install from a button on the Live CD…
and, what kind of graphic card do you have and have you loaded in
the best driver for it…
and, if you can find and turn OFF the “desktop effects”, do that
and see if anything gets better…
why did you pick that?
way over MOST use ext3…far superior to fat 32 in everyway…i don’t
know, but it MIGHT be the root or your problems
> I really would like to avoid a complete reinstall. any other
> suggestions since you have my hardware info?
i can’t (from here) know what went wrong with your install/setup…so
i see a few options:
wait for someone smarter than me to come along and help you, or
search the web for answers…for example, a google on:
linux acer aspire 4720z
brings about 22,300 hits…one or more of which might have THE answer
you are looking for…
or, you might try adding to that string one or two more words from
this list, and google again:
freeze lock-up halt pause slow flash banshee
use the advanced search function in these fora to search on
threads/posts with terms like the following:
freez* OR locku* OR lock-u* OR crash* OR hang*
that would offer you a lot of ideas on you might do other than
md5sum CHECK the media you installed with and READ & FOLLOW all the
other getting started instructions that have kept THOUSANDS of others
from having the problems you have encountered…