I’m wondering where the services order is read from during boot. For some reason the system trys to mount my NFS files BEFORE it starts networking. This results in looooooooooog delays during the boot process.
Jim Lees
I’m wondering where the services order is read from during boot. For some reason the system trys to mount my NFS files BEFORE it starts networking. This results in looooooooooog delays during the boot process.
Jim Lees
You can edit settings in the
System > System Services (runlevel)
There are a few things going on that determine the order in of services. The most basic is the runlevel setting. Is there a particular service that is trying to mount your NFS share? If so, you can try putting it in a different runlevel. Also, if it is started with an init script, you can put a dependency on networking in the init info section. You can use the /etc/init.d/apache2 script as an example:
NFS filesystems should have the attribute _netdev in /etc/fstab so that it will mount after networking is up. See man 8 mount.
You might also want in addition to consider using autofs, which will mount on demand.