System can only be suspended once?

If I suspend my laptop, and then later wake it up, it restores back to to the previous running state just fine, but only once. If I suspend it again, it will freeze with a black screen on wakeup. I have to do a hard reset and perform a normal boot to make it work again.

I tested this on two laptops, both running openSUSE Leap 15.0. One is a Lenovo Z-70 with Intel Core i7 processor and 16GB RAM, the other is a MSI CR630 with AMD Athlon processor and 8GB RAM. Both laptops exhibit the same issue when attempting to sleep/wakeup the second time.

Is this a known issue?

It’s been my experience that suspend/resume generally works well, hibernate/resume tends to be much more of a lottery…

Out of curiosity I just tried multiple suspend/resume cycles on an HP255G7 (AMD Ryzen 3), resume worked on each occasion, this particular machine won’t resume from hibernation though.

I’ll note though, I’m using Leap 15.1, not 15.0, I no longer have a machine running 15.0 so would need to check the 15.0 repository, although I believe from memory they currently both have the same kernel versions.

Hybernate/resume works fine on my MSI laptop, over and over again with no problem.
It works on my Lenovo once, after that if I try to hybernate again, it doesn’t power off afterwards, and proceeds to resume immediately.

Apparently the Lenovo Z70 has an Optimus architecture with an Intel processor and an Nvidia GPU (please confirm if that includes your model).
My recent experience is similar to what @tannington writes, suspend to RAM generally works, hibernate is a lottery at times.
In addition I saw that recent versions of the nouveau driver do not properly put to sleep and then resume some of the Nvidia GPUs; when that happens, the first resume appears to work, but if you try to use the Nvidia GPU the system stalls.
Then on the second try, the system cannot successfully complete the suspend cycle due to a locked discrete GPU and you see the system stalling on the next attempt at resume.
The above seems consistent with what you write, but I cannot be 100% sure.
Sorry, I cannot comment on AMD HW due to lack of meaningful experience.


My Lenovo Z70 has an Intel Core i7-5500U processor (4 cores), and Nvidia GeForce GPU (“yast2 hwinfo” indicates “GM108M (GeForce 840M)”).

In addition I saw that recent versions of the nouveau driver do not properly put to sleep and then resume some of the Nvidia GPUs; when that happens, the first resume appears to work, but if you try to use the Nvidia GPU the system stalls.

Interesting, I didn’t try using anything graphics-intensive after resume. Just the normal KDE desktop, a few xterm windows and firefox browser. I’ll try watching a video or something to see what happens.

Then on the second try, the system cannot successfully complete the suspend cycle due to a locked discrete GPU and you see the system stalling on the next attempt at resume.
The above seems consistent with what you write, but I cannot be 100% sure.

That makes sense.