Hello, I have a (hopefully) simple problem that I would like to resolve.
I am on a Lenovo IdeaPad Z585, with Secure Boot disabled and UEFI set to compatibility mode. I was able to install from the OpenSUSE 12.3 DVD without issues, and it claimed to have installed a bootloader. However, I can’t figure out how to get into GRUB on the laptop, as no matter the settings I use it instead boots straight to Windows.
Thanks in advance, and sorry if this post is information sparse. I am, of course, willing to answer any extra details you may need to help me.
The four letters UEFI pretty give a lot of information, though perhaps not enough.
It should be possible to boot the install disk either in UEFI mode or in MBR mode. If you happen to remember which, it would help to know that.
Maybe you can provide us with the output from:
# gdisk -l
or, alternatively, with the output from:
# parted -l
You will need to boot to a live image, or boot the install DVD to rescue mode. I’m not sure if “gdisk” is on the DVD in rescue mode, but “parted” should be there.
A brief summary of what might be going on:
If you installed in MBR mode, then you will have to boot in MBR mode. On my box, I can hit F12 during boot to get a BIOS boot menu, and I would be able to select there.
If you installed in UEFI mode, then you have a different problem with different solutions. I’ll await what additional information you can provide before I try to give details.
Provide what info you can. With the requested “gdisk” or “parted” info it will be easier to be more specific in followup posts.
My BIOS can be set in one of three possible modes:
1: UEFI only
2: Legacy (MBR/BIOS) only
3: Mixed - basically set to UEFI, but old BIOS functionality is honored as long as secure-boot is disabled.
The computer came in mode 3, but with secure-boot enabled. I’m assuming that the OP means mode 3 when he says “compatibility”. He cannot possibly have it in Legacy mode, else Windows would not boot.
It’s not clear how he installed. Perhaps he will clear that up in another comment to this thread.
It is correct that mode 3 was the one I had it in (it’s called compatibility mode in the UEFI settings).
Interestingly, what appears to have happened was that it kept installing grub2 instead of grub2-efi. It was easy enough to fix it from a live disc though.
Oh, and sorry for not getting back to the thread earlier, getting the drivers for BCM4313 was non-trivial.