syncing Korganizer to google

So I am trying to sync Korganizer with google calender and I tried googling the answer and this was the guide I found and almost all other guides say the same thing.
Working with Google Calendar - KDE UserBase Wiki

I get to the part where you enter the Remote URL, I click on the “Use Specific Credentials” and I type into the username and password the same things I would to log into any of my google accounts and I get “There was a problem with the request.The file or folder does not exist. (0).”

Am I missing something? I am running openSUSE 12.3 KDE.

According to the error message you seem to have entered the remote URL “***GoogleCalendarID***/events/” literally.

You have to replace “GoogleCalendarID” with your “Google account (Gmail address)”. :wink:

I hope that helps, I’m not using Google Calendar myself…

I totally missed that part, thanks man for the help.