Synchronizing my laptop with my desktop

I have both a laptop and a desktop, and often need to use them interchangeably. Is there some relatively simple way I can synchronize my home directories between the two?

oldpopsie wrote:

> I have both a laptop and a desktop, and often need to use them
> interchangeably. Is there some relatively simple way I can synchronize
> my home directories between the two?


It’s not smart to synchronize entire /home directories. Plasma for instance works with coordinates, which are different on a 24" TFT than on a 15" laptop. What I do synchronize (using grsync) are .opera for my mail, and Documents.
My entire .kde4 is a full 365 MB, lots of files changes during work. Since Opera stores mail in chopped up individual files it syncs fast despite of a 1,5 GB mailbox. I need the mail on both machines, but I’m working on a solution that needs no synching anymore.
grsync is OK.

Try unison .

I second unison