Synaptic vertical scroll suddenly very sensitive

I’ve just updated to the latest Tumbleweed (applying 20160228 to 20160305). I’m getting an annoying problem where the vertical scroll setting is now very sensitive, where a small movement of the finger on the RHS edge produces a huge movement on screen. I found that setting the “Scroll Distance, Vertical” to its maximum (10mm) slows it down a little, but it is still a lot faster than I would prefer - the previous setting for this value was 1.2mm, so something is very wrong!

Is anyone else seeing this? Is there a way to slow it down?


Hi, a similar problem in this thread, apparently.
Maybe tweaking parameters with synclient can solve the problem. Try “man synclient” in a terminal to see available options.

I’m glad it’s not just me! :slight_smile:

Good tip with synclient. Using this, you can set the vertical scroll value to something higher than 10mm, which seems to calm it down.

synclient VertScrollDelta=20

That feels roughly the same as before, though I imagine a future update will mean this setting is sluggishly slow!

Nice to know it worked, at least for the time being.
Just take a note and reverse this change should a “fixing” update show up :wink:

Same here.

manythanks :slight_smile: synclient VertScrollDelta=30 works well for me

I filed a bug report:

Well done. :slight_smile:

And I see that they have responded already…

Sounds like 359460 – Synaptic touchpad wrong settings and limits.

We added the fix to this to the Leap 42.1 update, but it was never submitted to Factory/Tumbleweed AFAICS.
Should be fixed in plasma5-desktop-5.6.1 then, which is on its way to Tumbleweed already, so we can’t really do anything at the moment.

If you want to install 5.6.1 now, use the KDE:Frameworks5 repo.

Please report back if 5.6.1 fixes the issue, either now (with the KF5 repo) or when it is part of Tumbleweed.

Fixed with 5.6.1.