Anyone ever sucessfully got symantec antivirus 1.7 to work in opensuse 11? One of my buddies got a virus. Yes a linux virus. We got rid of it and now he is parinoid.
I tried, its installs but cannot get the autoprotect to run. Says its an unsupported os version. Checked the startup script un /etc/init.d and looks like its does a check to make sure you are running suse enterprise. If not it wont run.
Just wondering if anyone has ever modified the startup script to make it work with opensuse. Otherwise ill just uninstall it and get something else.
If you can’t get it running there are a few other linux AVs out there. A google search will come up with a good handful. I’m running Clam AV; it’s easy to setup and is updated very often, but my needs are very basic.
What virus you refer to?
There are not any I am aware of that are out there and harmful unless you constantly use root.
If your friend constantly used root he had it coming, Im sorry.