swt-win32 missing? azsmrc/java problem

Hello, I’m trying to get the client part of the azsmrc plugin for Vuze/Azureus running.

As the readme instructed me to do so, I used the command

java -classpath launcher.jar  -Djava.library.path=. lbms.tools.launcher.Launcher

resulting in:

Checking /home/Pascal/AzSMRC/.                                                                  
Checking: log4j_1.2.13.jar                                                                      
Checking: azsmrc_0.9.9.jar                                                                      
Checking: commons-codec_1.3.jar                                                                 
Checking: swt.jar                                                                               
Checking: jdom_1.0.jar                                                                          
Checking: launcher.jar                                                                          
Adding launcher to classpath                                                                    
Adding azsmrc_0.9.9 to classpath                                                                
Adding jdom_1.0 to classpath                                                                    
Adding commons-codec_1.3 to classpath                                                           
Adding swt to classpath                                                                         
Adding log4j_1.2.13 to classpath                                                                
Trying to load: lbms.azsmrc.remote.client.swtgui.RCMain                                         
Loading Properties.                                                                             
StartServer: listening on for passed torrent info                               
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no swt-win32-3325 or swt-win32 in swt.library.path, java.libary.path or the jar file                                                                            
        at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(Library.java:219)                       
        at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(Library.java:151)
        at org.eclipse.swt.internal.C.<clinit>(C.java:21)
        at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.<clinit>(Display.java:126)
        at lbms.azsmrc.remote.client.swtgui.RCMain.init(RCMain.java:577)
        at lbms.azsmrc.remote.client.swtgui.RCMain.start(RCMain.java:168)
        at lbms.azsmrc.remote.client.swtgui.RCMain.launch(RCMain.java:157)
        at lbms.tools.launcher.Launcher$1.run(Launcher.java:99)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)

First I thought I messed something up by copying files over from my working windows installation (win32 error and all). However I get the same error after I downloaded the files as linked to/instructed to do so here. So I suspect I can solve this by installing some java file from the java repository?

If someone has got it running, or knows which files to get to resolve this error. Please do inform me :slight_smile:

I forgot to mention that I have Eclipse installed and running, so my JRE should be fine?
(and darn… my title doesn’t make any sense… midnight posting… any admin that could change it to “swt-win32 missing? azsmrc/java problem”)

Okay I got it running, although with the following error

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no swt-win32-3325 or swt-win32 in swt.library.path, java.libary.path or the jar file
	at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(Library.java:219)
	at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(Library.java:151)
	at org.eclipse.swt.internal.C.<clinit>(C.java:21)
	at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.<clinit>(Display.java:126)
	at lbms.azsmrc.remote.client.swtgui.RCMain.init(RCMain.java:577)
	at lbms.azsmrc.remote.client.swtgui.RCMain.start(RCMain.java:168)
	at lbms.azsmrc.remote.client.swtgui.RCMain.launch(RCMain.java:157)
	at lbms.tools.launcher.Launcher$1.run(Launcher.java:99)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)

Guess the error isn’t anything too bad, since the application itself runs… and the second time I started it (though I did change some things again it was gone…).
I have to say, this sure kicks ass! All torrents downloads in the house centralised on ONE pc. No power wasted for PC’s that are just on to finish downloads overnight and my router doesn’t hang on 100% cpu load when theres 3 instances of some bittorent client running on 2 laptops and a desktop

I’ll write my actions down as a mini how-to for those that want to all their torrents running on a single box as well and already got AzSMRC set up on the server (if you don’t, but want to… go here).

  1. Create a new folder called AzSMRC in your home folder (/home/Yourname/AzSMRC)
  2. Go to SourceForge.net: AzSMRC, click the download link and then on the next page click the download link behind AzSMRC Remote Control Version x.x.x **
    . From this page download the AzSMRC_x.x.x.jar. Return to SourceForge.net: AzSMRC and now click the libraries link, on the next page click ** client libraries
    and then select the most recent clientLibraries_x.x.zip and download this file as well.
  3. Go to Eclipse Project Downloads and click the link to the most recent version, in the next screen search (ctrl+f) for swt-
    and then look for the version you need, x86/x86_64/etc. Download this file as well.
  4. Extract the contents of the files downloaded in step 2 and 3 to the /home/Yourname/AzSMRC/ directory created in step 1.
  5. Now navigate to this folder in a shell window (or in KDE/Dolphin simply hit f4 to bring up the console) and execute the following command:
java -classpath launcher.jar  -Djava.library.path=. lbms.tools.launcher.Launcher

If anyone feels like copy/pasting/modifying or doing whatever to the information above… feel free to do so with or without giving me any credit.

If someone knows to make it automatically open .torrent files, please do let me know :slight_smile: As I expected, make a text file like below and telling Firefox to open .torrent files with that didn’t work. It does however boot up the remote client nicely…

java -classpath launcher.jar:/usr/local/lib -Djava.library.path=. lbms.tools.launcher.Launcher

Hi Axeia,

Thanks for sharing!

Don’t know the answer to the auto open, I do think it also depends on the DE you are using. If you set the correct app as default for torrent files (using the respective file manager), does that cut it?

Anyway, seems like a good howto to post into a new (and more descriptive) thread or maybe even a wiki page. As others find new uses the knowledge will grow? Might be giving this a spin too… :slight_smile:


I took your advice, and behold! Setting up a bittorrent server(not a tracker) using Vuze - openSUSE

Anyways, if you follow it like it’s there… let me know how it works out, might have to edit the article.
(it also made me post this, which isn’t meant as something I’m holding against you of course… it’s just that the way to make a how-to was driving me mad :slight_smile: )

I can confirm the client part works at least :slight_smile:

Reinstalled openSUSE yet again in the hope that the gnome network manager would get my wireless working… it didn’t.
But it did force me to reinstall the client and I followed my own instructions with success.