Switching from KDE 3.5 to 4.3

Hi everybody,
now that opensuse 11.2 is released I’d also like to switch.
The question is, what will happen with all my old files in KDE?

I’ve got many eMails in KMail and many attachments, many contacts and a lot of calender entries.
In my last update from 10.3 to 11.1 I could import them since both kde versions where almost the same.

Has anybody already tried to import these things from kde 3.5 to 4.3? Will it work? What should I take care for?

you can import settings/mails/contacts of KMail3 into KMail4… some other things may need to be moved over manually but I can’t say which since I don’t know your usage/setup

Yes, it does work but different KDE4 programs do it different ways; so you cannot simply transfer hidden files into hidden folders, You have to do it on a case by case approach.

I just did an upgrade on my KDE 3.5 11.1 to KDE 4.3 11.2 and when I ran
kontact it ran the 3.x version (which is what I’m using to post this) Not
sure if I need to switch over–at least at this stage. Also ran quanta 3.5
and kttsmgr; they seems to at least start up alright. Bottom line is you
don’t have to give up your KDE3 applications just because you’re running
4.3 on 11.2.

At least not right away. :slight_smile:


Well I want to give up kde 3.5 :slight_smile:
I tested the live cd and I think kde 4 rocks!
It is the best desktop environment I’ve ever seen.

Thanks to everybody for posting their opinioun.
I decided to switch to opensuse 11.2 with kde 4.3 until next weekend.
No upgrade, but a clean fresh installation with an empty /home/!
I’ll backup all my data and see if I can import everything. If something goes wrong, well I still have a opensuse 11.1 DVD :slight_smile: