I am in Greece using my netbook and NetworkManager, and a wireless connection which uses their own DNS that I don’t want to use. I hardly ever use NetworkManager at home and truthfully I don’t like it. I would like to use Wicked, but I have failed after a number of attempts. I have read the Portal:Wicked page but can’t connect. I think I am missing a password stored somewhere.
Could someone please start me in the right direction with a link to a SIMPLE procedure? Possibly using YaST? Thanks in advance.
You can switch to Wicked in YaST->Network Devices->Network Settings->Global Options, but I suppose you know that already.
Configure your wireless connection then by selecting your WLAN device in the “Overview” tab and then clicking on “Edit”.
See also: SUSE Documentation although that doesn’t explicitly mention wireless.
But make sure that your system is fully updated. With the wicked shipped in 13.2, wireless does not work at all. All known problems should be fixed via official updates meanwhile though.