I’m thinking of switching my system to Linux Mint Cinnamon. On my current system I have got separate /home (it’s encrypted).
From what I read Mint doesn’t support installing existing /home disk (or it does?).
I need some advice from you.
How to easily install Mint and use my existing encrypted /home directory?
My idea of solution is:
- install clean Mint with whatever /home it offers (and without touching my encrypted /home)
- then on running system point or change Mint’s /home to my encrypted /home
I would appreciate any help and ideas of how to do it.
If the concern is only with “/home”, then I would suggest:
- Install Mint without sharing “/home”. Just leave “/home” as part of the root file system for Mint.
- Make sure that “cryptsetup” is installed in Mint
- Create “/etc/crypttab” to be used by Mint
- Manually decrypt your old “/home” and see if you can mount it at “/mnt”
- If that all works, then check ownership and permissions on the mounted file system;
- If all looks good, edit “/etc/fstab” so that on next boot, your old “/home” will be mounted at “/home”.
- Reboot. Be prepared to login at command line as root if you run into problems.
and what about usermod command?
Will this work?
usermod -m -d /newhome/username username
or manual changing?
You have to make sure that the user ‘username’ has the same numeric ID, and groups+ID as the user has on openSUSE. IIRC Mint uses the username for both owner and group, so you’d have to address that somehow.
Cinnaman is also available for opensuse, you can always try it then decide