swine problem,Wine apps?

Hi to all
I installed the apk swine, but doesn’t work before and after the update, an error window appears and in the option details gives the output:

ValueError: unconverted data remains: - sha1sum: caedc2cf9450c77225b81977d350c5c024c08da5
File “/usr/bin/swine”, line 787, in <module>
File “/usr/bin/swine”, line 783, in main
File “/usr/bin/swine”, line 449, in checkWinetricks
elif time.mktime(time.strptime(version, “%Y%m%d”)) < time.time() - 3
File “/usr/lib64/python2.7/_strptime.py”, line 467, in _strptime_time
return _strptime(data_string, format)[0]
File “/usr/lib64/python2.7/_strptime.py”, line 328, in _strptime

Can somebody help?

By the way do you know any gui wine apps (besides q4wine and wine-doors,the first not supported anymore the second not working)
or apps like winetricks?.I remember a few years ago there ware a few around (don’t ask me for names)

I used swine before.
Browsing it’s github, I saw the thing hasn’t been updated since july, 2013

Maybe you will like playonlinux?
It’s available here

It let you manage different versions of Wine, using the system default or custom versions, like wine-staging (all available for download through a menu),
manage winetricks, and a lot of other things.

EDIT: As long as I remember, swine crashed or froze when I tried to use winetricks.

Thanks,some things working on Playonlinux