Sway: Important bugfixes not included in main repo

A serious issue with sway and fcitx was fixed by this PR: https://github.com/swaywm/sway/pull/8181 which fixes this issue: https://github.com/swaywm/sway/issues/8143
However, this patch is not included in the latest tumbleweed snapshot, the package in the main repo is still from 5 months ago. The issue still persists on the latest snapshot.
Please consider updating sway to at least the same recency as Arch (last updated Jul 13) so that this issue is fixed.

Bugzilla is the place to report issues like this. The chances that any of the sway maintainers are actively monitoring the forums are slim.

Hello and welcome to the openSUSE forums.

This is indeed a “users help users” forum. The Bugzilla is at Bugzilla Main Page and you can use the same username/password as here.

Thanks, I have submitted a bug report on Bugzilla.

It is usually considered a good practice in such cases to also post link to your bug report here.

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