Sutitleeditor and video files


I want to use Subtitleeditor. Installed is 0.54.0-lp150.2.1, from the Main repository OSS
It uses gstreamer

subtitleeditor --gst-version
GStreamer Core Library version 1.12.5

The issue is, when I open a video file, nothing appears in the window.
I tried a lot of different files (codec, container) included video from camcorder. VLC can play these files fine.

I started subtitleeditor from terminal to get some error messages but I can seen none.

subtitleeditor --debug-all
subtitleeditor --gst-debug-level=3
subtitleeditor --debug-video-player

Last, I tried Gnome Subtitles. When I open the same files, I get the error message “Internal data stream error” and no video appears.>:)

It’s look an issue on my system but not for VLC nor Totem?

Your help is welcome.

# zypper lr -d
Repository priorities in effect:                                                                                                                                                                       (See 'zypper lr -P' for details)
      90 (raised priority)  :  1 repository  
      99 (default priority) :  6 repositories

# | Alias                           | Name                        | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh | Priority | Type   | URI                                                                | Service
1 |        | nVidia Graphics Drivers     | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |                     |        
2 |   | Main Repository (NON-OSS)   | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |  |        
3 | | Update Repository (Non-Oss) | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |             |        
4 |       | Main Repository (OSS)       | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |      |        
5 |     | Main Update Repository      | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |                  |        
6 |         | Libdvdcss Repository        | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |                 |        
7 | packman                         | packman                     | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   90     | rpm-md | |        

# zypper se -si gstreamer
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name                              | Type        | Version           | Arch   | Repository           
i+ | GStreamer Multimedia Codecs       | application |                   | noarch | (System Packages)    
i+ | PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin       | package     | 1.1.10-lp150.2.1  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)
i+ | gstreamer                         | package     | 1.12.5-lp150.1.1  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)
i+ | gstreamer-lang                    | package     | 1.12.5-lp150.1.1  | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
i+ | gstreamer-libnice                 | package     | 0.1.14-lp150.1.11 | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)
i  | gstreamer-plugin-cluttergst3      | package     | 3.0.26-lp150.1.2  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)
i+ | gstreamer-plugins-bad             | package     | 1.12.5-lp150.2.4  | x86_64 | packman              
i+ | gstreamer-plugins-bad-lang        | package     | 1.12.5-lp150.2.4  | noarch | packman              
i+ | gstreamer-plugins-bad-orig-addon  | package     | 1.12.5-lp150.2.4  | x86_64 | packman              
i+ | gstreamer-plugins-base            | package     | 1.12.5-lp150.1.1  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)
i+ | gstreamer-plugins-base-lang       | package     | 1.12.5-lp150.1.1  | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
i+ | gstreamer-plugins-cogl            | package     | 1.22.2-lp150.2.19 | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)
i+ | gstreamer-plugins-farstream       | package     | 0.2.8-lp150.1.11  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)
i+ | gstreamer-plugins-good            | package     | 1.12.5-lp150.1.1  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)
i+ | gstreamer-plugins-good-extra      | package     | 1.12.5-lp150.1.1  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)
i+ | gstreamer-plugins-good-lang       | package     | 1.12.5-lp150.1.1  | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
i+ | gstreamer-plugins-libav           | package     | 1.12.5-lp150.3.2  | x86_64 | packman              
i+ | gstreamer-plugins-ugly            | package     | 1.12.5-lp150.2.1  | x86_64 | packman              
i+ | gstreamer-plugins-ugly-lang       | package     | 1.12.5-lp150.2.1  | noarch | packman              
i+ | gstreamer-plugins-ugly-orig-addon | package     | 1.12.5-lp150.2.1  | x86_64 | packman              
i+ | libgstreamer-1_0-0                | package     | 1.12.5-lp150.1.1  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)
i+ | libgstreamer-1_0-0-32bit          | package     | 1.12.5-lp150.1.1  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)
i+ | libgstreamermm-1_0-1              | package     | 1.10.0-lp150.1.3  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)
i+ | phonon-backend-gstreamer          | package     | 4.9.0-lp150.1.12  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)
i+ | vlc-codec-gstreamer               | package     | 3.0.2-lp150.3.1   | x86_64 | packman              

At least I found the solution.

The issue is due to the bad auto selection of the output.
Go to Menu > Options > Preferences > Video Player tab > Output > Select X Window System (X11/XShm/Xv).


Hope this will help others.