Sorry, i know this might be very annoying, but I’ll try to describe my problem as more detailed as I can. After suspending the computer to RAM using the button in the Application Launcher, my laptop goes to sleep properly, but on the resume it freezes. I get a black screen and no buttons seem to work at all, even the Capslock indicator does not light up.
Here is my configuration:
Opensuse 11.1 i586
4.1.3 (KDE 4.1.3) “release 4.10.4”
Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T7500 @ 2.20GHz
ATI Radeon HD 2600.
I installed the driver for the video card manually using the method described here: How To: ATI Drivers OpenSUSE 11.1 - Ubuntu Forums. Since OpenGL seems to be working fine, I suppouse that the driver installed correctly.
I read the “Suspend to RAM article”, and tried “vga = 0” with “s2ram -f -p -m”/“s2ram -f -p -s”. The computer went to sleep properly and actually did resume, but started acting really weird, e.g. I got a really messed up mouse pointer looking like a white box, ctrl + alt + backspace didn’t work, weird images appeared while restarting, etc. Turning apic off didn’t work at all. Does anyone here has an idea of what the problem could be? Any help will be highly appreciated.