When I trie to configurate my Soundcard with alsaconf I get a error:
Loading driver...
Starting sound driver: intel8x0WARNING: Error inserting snd_ac97_codec
Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
FATAL: Error inserting snd_intel8x0
Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
Can you provide us some more diagnostic information? Please install tsalsa from packman: PackMan :: Informationen zum Paket tsalsa
and then after it is installed, run it with: su -c tsalsa
and post here the URL that it provides.
I run “su -c tsalsa” and filled out all could.
the output of it was:
lsof: status error on /dev/dsp*: No such file or directory
cat: /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/info: No such file or directory
amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such file or directory
cat: /proc/asound/seq/clients: No such file or directory
aplay: device_list:215: no soundcards found...
arecord: device_list:215: no soundcards found...
md5sum: tsalsa: No such file or directory
uploading /tmp/tsalsa.txt to nopaste.com
tsalsa completed in 337 seconds
paste this url in #alsa: <HTML><HEAD>
<TITLE>FEHLER: Der angeforderte URL konnte nicht geholt werden</TITLE>
<H2>Der angeforderte URL konnte nicht geholt werden</H2>
Während des Versuches, den URL
<A HREF="nopaste.com/a">nopaste.com/a</A>
zu laden,
trat der folgende Fehler auf:
<STRONG> Ungültiger URL </STRONG>
Ein Teil des angefragten URL ist ungültig. Mögliche Gründe:
<LI>Fehlendes oder unkorrektes Zugriffsprotokoll (sollte `http://' oder ähnlich sein)
<LI>Fehlender Hostname
<LI>Ungültiges 'double-escape' im URL-Pfad
<LI>Ungültige Zeichen im Hostnamen - z.B. Unterstriche ('_'),
Umlaute und Kommata sind nicht erlaubt.
<br clear="all">
<hr noshade size=1>
Generated Tue, 04 Nov 2008 15:09:40 GMT by boba (Squid/2.4.STABLE6)
Was your PC connected to the internet when you ran that script? I forgot to mention, it needs to be connected to the internet when the script is run.
That does suggest your sound card is not detected, but even then, I am surprised to see that output of the script.
I would still like more information, before I make a recommendation.
If your PC was connected to the internet (when you ran the script), then can you please try again, and in this case run two different scripts (that will hopefully provide better results).
As a regular user try copying and pasting each of the two lines below (one at a time) into an xterm/konsole to both download and run the scripts. Copy the COMPLETE line. The second one (tsalsa) will prompt for root password.
wget http://home.cfl.rr.com/infofiles/tsalsa && su -c 'bash ./tsalsa'
Please enter root password when prompted for a password. If you do not know the answer to a question, then simply press < enter > . Again, please post the URL that it provides here.
If your PC was not connected to the internet when you ran “su -c tsalsa” then please run it again. Thx.
Install the latest version of your alsa applications, and in particular install the alsa-driver-kmp-default version for the kernel (NOT for the kernel).
Please reboot your PC, and run:
dmesg > dmesg.txtthen open “dmesg.txt” with a text editor. And then copy and paste the contents of “dmesg.txt” to a site such as general pastebin - simplified internet collaboration and submit that and post the URL it provides you here (so that we can look at it).
Please can you also tell me the exact model of your PC’s motherboard?
And finally, do you have sound from this motherboard with another OS? Is there any chance your onboard sound is broken? Also, are you certain your onboard sound is switched ON in the BIOS of your motherboard?
In addition to the above request (and answering the above suggestions), please also type in a gnome-terminal or konsole:
cat /etc/modprobe.d/sound
and post the output here. Did you try to go into YaST > Hardware > Sound and configure your sound card with the new driver?
alias snd-card-0 snd-intel8x0
alias sound-slot-0 snd-intel8x0
alsaconf :
Loading driver...
Starting sound driver: intel8x0WARNING: Error inserting snd_ac97_codec (/lib/modules/ Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
FATAL: Error inserting snd_intel8x0 (/lib/modules/ Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
Setting default volumes...
amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such file or directory
Saving the mixer setup used for this in /etc/asound.state.
/usr/sbin/alsactl: save_state:1513: No soundcards found...
and tryed it by yast again, and it put out (Translated into English):
Error while Installation
82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller
Kernelmodul snd-intel8x0 for Soundsupport couldnt be load.
A possible reason could be wrong Modulparameter as well as invalidIO- oder IRQ-Parameter.
Reviewing the above, I note your first post stated:
which says to see dmesg. So I had you run dmesg and according to your last post, your dmesg is this:
Checking your dmesg I see this twice:
#snd_ac97_codec: disagrees about version of symbol ac97_bus_type
#snd_ac97_codec: Unknown symbol ac97_bus_type
#snd_intel8x0: Unknown symbol snd_ac97_pcm_close
#snd_intel8x0: Unknown symbol snd_ac97_resume
#snd_intel8x0: Unknown symbol snd_ac97_pcm_open
#snd_intel8x0: Unknown symbol snd_ac97_set_rate
#snd_intel8x0: Unknown symbol snd_ac97_update_bits
#snd_intel8x0: Unknown symbol snd_ac97_mixer
#snd_intel8x0: Unknown symbol snd_ac97_bus
#snd_intel8x0: Unknown symbol snd_ac97_pcm_double_rate_rules
#snd_intel8x0: Unknown symbol snd_ac97_suspend
#snd_intel8x0: Unknown symbol snd_ac97_get_short_name
#snd_intel8x0: Unknown symbol snd_ac97_pcm_assign
#snd_intel8x0: Unknown symbol snd_ac97_tune_hardware
I assume it is there twice because you ran the script once before running dmesg.
You ran alsaconf again, and you posted this:
Again, a repeat, suggesting you run the dmesg command to get more detail on the problem. You have already run the dmesg. No need to do it again.
That looks to me like either:
a. hardware problem, or
b. bios setup wrong, or
c. alsa incompatibility with your hardware (ie we need to know what motherboard you have).
You can find this out with the “dmidecode” command. You may need to divert the output of “dmidecode” to a text file. … possibly something like: dmidecode > dmidecode.txt and open dmidecode.txt with a text editor to see what your motherboard is (PLEASE do not post here the content of dmidecode). I’m not at a linux PC now, so I am not 100% certain as to the exact syntax.
But as I said a few posts before, i decidet to give up and live without sound…
I don´t think that I will stay so much longer on Suse10.2 and maybe the sound will work on a clean & new Suse11.
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“Great professional Help and good explanations eaven for an non perfect English-speaker + not very experienced Linux-user”