Suse software shopping

Before I go to Germany this year I like to ask you in advance(Stuttgart and Goeppingen area) where can I get suse software.

Please could one or few member tell me where can I find it.



> Before I go to Germany this year I like to ask you in advance(Stuttgart
> and Goeppingen area) where can I get suse software.

you do not have to go to Germany to get SUSE software, instead go to


Well Im going for Vacation to Germany with my Family for a month and when Im there go little shopping;)

> when I`m there go little shopping;)

i’d love to be a fly on the wall there…


I saw boxed versions of openSUSE and also Ubuntu on sale (right next to copies of windows vista and ms office!!) on a shelf in Mediamarkt here in Köln last year.

I haven’t looked this year yet, so I’m not sure if you can still get it, but I would assume so.

I need to find some lightscribe CDs, so I might drop in there this weekend and see. Plus a nice backlit keyboard and flashy wireless mouse would also be nice, seeing as I’m going there, I mean it would be a waste of a journey otherwise lol!.

There are 3 Mediamarkt stores in Stuttgart according to Google, it will be a nice day out for you ;).

Do you mean the boxed openSUSE-11.1 DVD ?

Typically the local Mediamarkt in Germany carries openSUSE-11.1. The manuals will all be in German, but I suspect that is what you want. But it means you have to carry the boxes, etc … around with you, and carrying boxes can be a pain when travelling.

Why not order the boxed openSUSE via mail order?

If you are refering to application software then typically one downloads their applicaiton software off of a repository.

  • oldcpu wrote, On 03/19/2009 05:46 PM:
    > Typically the local Mediamarkt in Germany carries openSUSE-11.1.

Many bookstores, too.
