Hi every body
I’m a newbie in suse.
Recently I got an embedded board with a ported suse linux in that. The processor is atmel with ARM core.
Here I describe my problem:
I have to mount NFS in the end of system boot time. I do not have an rc.local in Suse to enter all local commands to execute **at the last of boot. **
I searched for another option, that was /etc/fstab. I tried to make an entry here for **nfs mount **as follows:
** /my_mnt nfs rw,soft,bg,timeo=3,intr 0 0
which could provide my a mount point my_mnt and I could access nfs_server from that point.
But **I could not succeed in it. **
I got to know about** chkconfig** command. I tried to add a script /etc/init.d/rc.local to** chkconfig** but it given me an error as follows:
service rc.local does not support chkconfig
**How to add rc.local in chkconfig list **??? chkconfig --add rc.local failed]
Finally, I modified **/etc/init.d/rcS **file as follows:
-> Initialize the network ( eth0 up) with a delay
-> Mounted NFS using ***mount -t nfs -o nolock <nfs_server> <my_mnt> ***command after initializing network( given a delay to make network stable, then mounted nfs)
It works for me . But I would like to know why my fstab entry as well as chkconfig fails here.
/etc/init.d/rc.local file :
#rc.local , Local initialisation tasks
#Author: SJR
#chkconfig:345 25 75
#description : add local commands
if “$1” = “start”]
echo -n “Mounting NFS …from rc.local”
mount -t nfs -o nolock /mnt
if “$1” = “stop”]
umount /mnt
echo -n “Unmounting NFS …from rc.local”
Please help me out
Thanks in advance