I am having a small problem i am using openSuse 10.3 x64 and about 2 months ago my mobo got fried, so i have replaced it but I could not find a similar mobo. So i have 2 issues, first i can’t boot from my DVD/CD player and second i can’t boot Suse. The old mobo was a Asus and the new one is an intel (i will post the serial later)
To be more descriptive I have a dual boot system with Win XP x64 i was able to get Win to run properly (which i was astonished to say the least)
Any way so the system loads to my boot screen and get the obvious selection between Suse and XP. However it always hangs due a bad driver ID when selecting Suse (sorry i neglected to write down the actual error I will upgrade this post when i get a chance later on) I have searched and i am not able to find any resolution.
So i figure the easy way is to upgrade Suse to 11 to repair the OS and the boot loader, so i got it but then the system will not load the DVD, i have verified that the copy is good and it actually runs properly. I have also verified that the DVD player itself is working properly, also I checked the BIOS i have made sure to put the dvd as the initial option for booting, nothing seems to make a dif when I have a boot dvd in the tray they system will hang i assume during POST, i can’t verify because of the intel banner that covers all the background info, if i put an non-boot dvd then the system simply ignores it and proceed to the the OS selection screen.
If anyone has any idea or require specific info please let me know.
Thank you for your help in advance
PS. if i have posted this in the wrong section please forgive me and move it to the correspoding section, Thank you.
I did a similar upgrade a while ago. I think you have to set the boot device order in bios probably have to set cd/dvd to first you can change it back later if needed.
Not sure which key is for Intel try pressing f1 or f10 or del . Think its f1 but not sure.
When you install choose advanced and choose advanced partitioning and choose not to format /home. Make sure you backup your data first just in case…
On another not 11.1 is the latest but some have had problems (not me) so maybeyou could use 11.0 until the dust settles and the first wrinkles are ironed out
Without the actual error it’s hard to tell exactly what the problem is.
That said, I’ll just throw this out there:
If you can get it to boot from the dvd, check the contents of your /boot/grub/device.map from the rescue mode. Make sure that those disks actually exist, and that they point to the correct devices.
Also it couldn’t hurt to verify your menu.lst while you’re there.
if you know the partition number and drive id you can try mounting by partition number eg., /dev/sda1
you actually need a rescue cd
see if your dvd will take rescue option in booting do not commit any thing untill you are sure what it is going to do.
it it is not booting from dvd check bios settings.
what mother board you are using? and what bios?
do you have any other linux in the system?
is windows booting?
give more details of your problems.
No my problem is not accessing the BIOS. the problem is not booting from the DVD. see previos reply please
My mobo is a Intel DG43NB.
My BIOS is NBG4310H.86A.0051.2008 I assume is some intel type BIOS there is not more info on it
Intel Core 2 Quad CPu running @ 2.33 EM64T capable
I have a dual boot system with Win XP x64, meaning i have opensuse and win XP 64. nothing else
ok I just realized i have failed to mentioned a small detail that might be the key.
my DVD room is connected via an expansion card a Sil ATA/133, since my board only has 1 IDE slot i had to install that, and of course my od board had 2 IDE slots.
I have rvised my setting, now here is the catch i ham able to make the system recognize and try to boot from the dvd rom however any bootable cd/dvd i put in there keeps giving me the same error “insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key”
Hope that helps a little.
in the prompt i am not able to run fdisk to see the partitions. and grub is non-existant. I am computer literated but not that familiar with Lin.
I wanted to thank everyone that gave reply to this.
I did this the hard way i set my DVD player as secondary in the only IDE slot and the system recognized the player with no problem repaired my old install which actually was 11.0 then upgraded to 11.1 no problems
After install made sure all OSes are working properly and that my DVD is beign recornized by both OSes.