#suse irc complaint

I’m not happy with the current state of #suse irc, some there are great and very helpful, however not always available, but some of the most out spoken, and i must say not all, are quite impatient of new or slightly competent people, even to the point of talking about them to others while they are still on line, my particular issue relates to my treatment there last night, i found that i had to repeat my self many times, some of my posts and my pastepic and pastebin were ignored, thus the following answers were not helpful, and the whole experience was very ugly in my book. I have seen this happen to many others at #suse irc and find that the #suse irc is just not a very friendly place to go, those that are very experienced seem to get better treatment with their answers/questions. Give people time to read the relevant information posted via susehelp, not just 2 minutes then complain the the person did not use the help provided. This makes for arguments. Some there need a bit of a clip back a notch or three >:(
I certainly will not go back to that #suse irc channel for help at this stage, and i have seriously considered changing to Mepis or something like that, (or even back to windows, at least there i can stumble through a networking thing maybe), where i may have a better network connections set up, you know wanting to connect my suse box to another and a windows machine i would have thought this to be a networking thing so i tried network manager, only to find that this is not the answer, perhaps samba, but there was a problem and the posters at suse irc became impatient, this does not help.>:(
I will not recommend #suse irc as a place for someone to go to get help.

If other people have issues with #suse irc make separate threads so the problem will start to be recognised.

So one of my questions is why do suse make so many areas where networking is done, config desktop, network, sharing, kde-samba, samba, yast, why not just have one window that networking can be done from, ie. Internet set up etc. and connect to other machine, is that possible?

People are people and thus you will find that sometimes even the most patient people simply have bad days.

You can always argue that “You’re there to help people” but reality is, especially in hard times like these, that many people are on the edge and will have shorter fuses even if they shouldn’t.

After all, we don’t get paid nor do we get anything out of it - what we do, is gratis and it takes considerable amount of time to do so as well. I wish those complaining about it would remember that as well.


Everyone have a bad,bad day may they lost the job or what ever or other problem I know I `m not saying about him ,about me or others .
I know he,me and others should not bring it up in our community everyone is a human,everyone make a mistake:)



Note that if you DO have a complaint about a specific user, you can contact me here on the forums via a private message or if the complaint is about me (which is nothing new, trust me) you can go to IRC, /msg susehelp ops and talk to one of the listed people.

When I have time, I try to hang out on #suse irc to help users, and also to get help myself on occasion.

Its not an official channel where Linux guru’s are paid money to help other users, nor is it a channel where the wages and salaries of those giving help are dependant on the money being paid by those receiving help.

Instead its all volunteer, and like a lot of things in Linux, it is mostly anarchy.

Many times when users post, there is no one present with the knowledge to help. Then those users trying to get help end up being frustrated, they post their request dozens of time in a short time frame, and they even start bad mouthing everyone else “in general” on the channel for not helping. That typically leads to confrontation.

Sometimes users who can help are logged on, but they are either:
a. not at their PC, or
b. busy somewhere else doing some pet project, or
c. helping on family/personal matters unrelated to Linux (and have not logged off).

Often, in the middle of my trying to help someone on the channel, my wife will want my attention for something. I provide so much help (on Linux in various areas) that she has NO PATIENCE for me to tell her to wait while I finish helping someone. So when that happens, ALL HELP FROM ME STOPS. My marriage is more important than some users sound problem. Needless to say, the IRC #suse users who were getting my help, are not impressed that it abruptly stops.

But thats life …

… thats the nature of the channel …

… and one has to keep that voluneer aspect in mind when one goes to such a place for help.

I like #suse IRC channel, and I recommend it to all users.

Biome, please read http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html

I blame Chrysantine for corrupting #suse :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, for sure !! We were all child hood innocents , never installing anything other than the basic openSUSE install, and never doing any more than surfing the web and watching the cursor blink in a bash shell, until she came along and taught us the ways of the force! rotfl!

I was just there and found it a very nice and helpful experience, Chrys was there and very helpful too! rep points added…

I like that where you come from is there more that kind of jokerotfl!

Thanks to Chrys, Fjonil tech9, fallenangel and others on #opensuse #suse, I am now writing from a shiny new openSUSE 11.1 install. ++++++ to all, There was no unpleasantness all afternoon/evening, apart from a couple of annoying interruptions from xxxx.de, swiftly dealt with by Chrys. Honestly Biome, what more could you want from a total stranger, giving their time and expertise gratis?

Thank you for your replies, i take them all on board, and i do know that the people at #suse offer help for free, i do also on another forum, and yes i know that people have bad days, how ever if they have a bad day maybe not take it out on others. Kick back and help on another day, that is my advice, get out and breath the fresh air and later go back on #suse feeling refreshed :slight_smile:

openSUSE is the best distro as far as i am concerned, i do try others from time to time but always return to openSUSE, and i will continue to use it and help others with it here where i live.

Well luckily we get people like this;

<laurent_:#suse> hy everybody!
<laurent_:#suse> no one is alive here?
<laurent_:#suse> cool guy, no answer, no hello, good state of mind! free os and free of brain
<laurent_:#suse> bye!
<laurent_:#suse> exit

.----------------------------------------- – -
| laurent_ was (n=laurent@10.62-251-89.rdns.acropolistelecom.net)
: ircname : Laurent CORTES
| server : irc.freenode.net (Mon Mar 9 20:15:17 2009)

This happened in about 1 minute - 1 minute that we didn’t intensively glare at the channel and hold his hand as he came in.

I think he’s a great example of what makes helping people feel like a chore rather than a joy.

rotfl! I need to get on there.

I met my wife through a irc channel. Maybe I can finally meet some other lovers of my current mistress (OpenSUSE) there as well.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i’m falling from the chair in laughter rotfl!
Yeah i noticed on other rooms too, sometimes people expect night and day answers within few seconds :slight_smile: