Suse Gimp + Wacom help?

os: opensuse 12.2
desktop: gnome
app: gimp 2.8.0
bug occurs when: wacom is connected via usb and pressure input is enabled.

when attempting to navigate the save dialog/window i find both the wacom and touchpad mouse clicks don’t work (i can move the cursor only) thus requiring me to use the keyboard to navigate the save dialog/window (ex: tab and arrow keys + enter)
i appreciate any assistance with this issue, thanks in advance :slight_smile:

(re-posted for formatting, mod delete original thread please)

On Thu, 28 Feb 2013 04:26:01 +0000, silversuds wrote:

> os: opensuse 12.2 desktop: gnome app: gimp 2.8.0 bug occurs when: wacom
> is connected via usb and pressure input is enabled.
> when attempting to navigate the save dialog/window i find both the wacom
> and touchpad mouse clicks don’t work (i can move the cursor only) thus
> requiring me to use the keyboard to navigate the save dialog/window (ex:
> tab and arrow keys + enter)
> i appreciate any assistance with this issue, thanks in advance :slight_smile:
> (re-posted for formatting, mod delete original thread please)

Which Wacom tablet have you got?

I’m running 12.2 GNOME with gimp 2.8.0 and an Intuos4 M tablet - I
haven’t tried it extensively yet, but I can if your tablet is similar to
mine - if you’ve got a bamboo (for example), then I’m not sure I can test
the same things you’re doing.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

Thanks for the response :slight_smile:
I have a Wacom Intuos 3 4x6" PTZ-431W
The dialogs/windows that seem broken for me are “save” and “export”
(to replicate the error ensure pressure is enabled via mode set to “screen” for all wacom inputs and attempt to save or export a project)

I forgot to mention I’ve tried the same setup on 3 different laptops.
(same version of openSuse, Gnome, Gimp and same tablet)

On Thu, 28 Feb 2013 06:16:01 +0000, silversuds wrote:

> I forgot to mention I’ve tried the same setup on 3 different laptops.
> (same version of openSuse, Gnome, Gimp and same tablet)

I’ve just tested a number of things with my tablet, and it’s working fine
here - but maybe if you gave me specific steps to follow, I could
duplicate it better.

Pressure definitely enabled as I used my pen and tested different
pressures, and it responded as expected - export and save both worked


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

Perhaps i don’t have my tablet configured correctly?
I’ve found that whenever Wacom Intuos 3 4x6 stylus and/or eraser Mode are set to Screen in Input Devices clicks aren’t registered by any input besides the keyboard on the Save and Export Image windows (from what i can tell other areas are fine).
I have the Tip Pressure Feel set to Firm for the Grip Pen in the Gnome Wacom Graphics Tablet control panel and Tracking Mode set to Absolute.
This problem seems exclusive to Gimp as Calligra Krita works fine.

With the above settings the same, in Gimp try File, New (any size & resolution) then File, Save (or Export) then try clicking Save or Cancel (Untitled.xcf is the default file name and Documents the default folder) i’m also unable to click anything in Places

Thanks for the assistance :slight_smile:

a workaround that appears to mostly work:
under preferences > input controllers > remove all active input controllers,
then under input devices only activate the stylus and eraser of the wacom device (mode set to screen)
i still cannot use the stylus to navigate the save or export window, but i’m able to use both the laptop trackbad and buttons and the wacom mouse and buttons to navigate the save and export windows :slight_smile:

i’m still curious as to your settings Jim (maybe they’ll be the full fix for me)

On Fri, 01 Mar 2013 00:26:02 +0000, silversuds wrote:

> Perhaps i don’t have my tablet configured correctly?
> I’ve found that whenever Wacom Intuos 3 4x6 stylus and/or eraser Mode
> are set to Screen in Input Devices clicks aren’t registered by any input
> besides the keyboard on the Save and Export Image windows (from what i
> can tell other areas are fine).
> I have the Tip Pressure Feel set to Firm for the Grip Pen in the Gnome
> Wacom Graphics Tablet control panel and Tracking Mode set to Absolute.
> This problem seems exclusive to Gimp as Calligra Krita works fine.
> With the above settings the same, in Gimp try File, New (any size &
> resolution) then File, Save (or Export) then try clicking Save or Cancel
> (Untitled.xcf is the default file name and Documents the default folder)
> i’m also unable to click anything in Places
> Thanks for the assistance :slight_smile:

Very strange - I don’t see a problem with my tablet wiht the settings for
the grip pen set to the max firmness.

I wonder - are you using a dual display setup by chance? I don’t take my
tablet in to the office with me, but when I do, I hook my laptop up to
the monitor on my desk, and I’ve noticed a portion of the screen where I
can’t click most things (it’s about 300 pixels wide on the left side of
the screen - the arrangement is laptop screen on the left, monitor on the

If you move the dialog over to the right, I wonder if it’ll work for you.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

i’ve been working on laptop computers (single built in screen, windows centered).
my semi-work-around (posted above) involved de-activating input controllers,
so perhaps there is a conflict there combined with the intuos 3 driver/hardware.
at least i can save now without the keyboard (with the mild annoyance of swapping the stylus with the mouse)
thanks for looking into this issue :slight_smile:

On Fri, 01 Mar 2013 02:06:01 +0000, silversuds wrote:

> i’ve been working on laptop computers (single built in screen, windows
> centered).
> my semi-work-around (posted above) involved de-activating input
> controllers,
> so perhaps there is a conflict there combined with the intuos 3
> driver/hardware.
> at least i can save now without the keyboard (with the mild annoyance of
> swapping the stylus with the mouse)
> thanks for looking into this issue :slight_smile:

No problem, wish I could have been more help, but at least the workaround
is in place.

Something you might also try is resetting the settings in GIMP for the
inputs. While that’s supposed to affect things on the canvas only IIRC,
I suppose it’s possible that there’s something weird interacting. I had
messed with those settings once upon a time in GIMP’s preferences, and a
reset was necessary because I managed to hork something up and couldn’t
figure out what.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

Tried that a few times, but it’s ok :slight_smile:
I’m hopeful for a newer build of Gimp and Krita in 12.3